Earth science covers climate, geological processes, water cycle, and different climates. Lab activities can help students understand concepts such as tectonic plates, soil strata, the water cycle, and the moon’s effect on tides. Candy, terrariums, and group activities can be used in labs.
Earth science is the study of the Earth and all its rhythms. This subject covers climate, geological processes, the water cycle and different climates. The subject is not only very broad but can also include archaic concepts that are difficult for students to understand. Lab activities can help students visualize and understand such concepts as the Earth’s plates shifting, why it rains, and how the moon affects the tides. These earth science labs can involve candy, homemade terrariums, and group activities.
Some of the most engaging Earth science labs use candy to illustrate key concepts. Students not only play with food, but also get a treat when the lab is over. Teachers should generally instruct their students to wash their hands before performing candy-based earth science labs. Tables should also be covered with clean paper towels, especially during the cold and flu season.
A relatively simple but fun lab activity involves some kind of thick candy bar. The bar should be filled with nougat, nuts, and other gooey or crunchy things and covered with chocolate. These bars can represent the Earth’s crust. Students can use clean toothpicks to carefully draw lines on the bars to represent tectonic plates. Students can pull the ends of the candy bars to see what happens when the plates come apart. Pushing the ends of the bars together shows how mountains form and how earthquakes occur.
Another lab involves using different types of candy to create a sample of soil strata. Students can crush, crumble and crumble different types of food – such as chocolate chip cookies, cookies, chocolate chips and different colors of candy-coated chocolate pieces. Students can then place the different types of food in clear plastic containers to correctly represent the rock cycle. They can label each layer with a crayon and then eat their creations after they’re sorted.
Some earth science labs must be created over time, like terrariums. Not only does this activity allow students to study the water cycle, it can also help them understand how plants grow and interact with the weather. Students should plant a radish, bean, or other fast-growing seed in a small clear plastic jar. The holes must be poked in the lid, which can be tightened well after the seed has been thoroughly watered. Students should observe how water circulates from the ground to the sides of the jar and back to the ground. They can also draw how their plants grow.
Other types of Earth science labs involve the moon. The moon affects ocean tides with its gravitational pull, which can be demonstrated through a group lab. Three or four students might represent the ocean tide, while another depicts the moon in its weakest phase. Students can play tug of war with a long rope to demonstrate how the ocean students are stronger than the single moon student. The teacher should then add students to the side of the moon string to demonstrate how the moon’s force gets stronger as it increases.