Types of esthetician programs?

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Estheticians perform skin treatments and hair removal. There are two types of esthetician programs: degree and certificate. Degree programs offer an associate degree and are found at technical or community colleges. Certificate programs focus on practice and are found at gyms or private beauty schools. Both types of programs are available in cosmetology study. Degree programs are eligible for Federal Financial Aid, while certificate programs are generally more expensive and do not offer financial aid.

An esthetician is a skin care specialist who works in the field of cosmetology. An esthetician performs skin analyzes and performs facials and other skin treatments such as body wraps, pore cleansing, and exfoliation. Some estheticians also specialize in hair removal and aromatherapy. For people considering a career as an esthetician, there are two different types of esthetician programs.

One of the types of aesthetics programs is a degree program. Students in an esthetician program will learn about styology by studying theory and practicing treatments on live models. When a student completes the program, they will be prepared to take the licensing exam in whatever state they live. These types of programs are usually found at a local technical or community college and require additional courses to earn an associate degree.

The other type of esthetician program is a certificate program. Students in an esthetician certification program will learn about esthetics by focusing primarily on practice. Certificate programs take a more hands-on approach to work and do not offer an associate degree after a student completes the program. Similar to a degree program, a student who completes a certificate program will be prepared to take a state licensing exam. Certificate programs can be found at technical and community colleges, but are usually found at gyms or private beauty schools.

Regardless of the type of program you choose, both types of esthetic programs are available in cosmetology study. A student will participate in a cosmetology program and have the opportunity to specialize in aesthetics. This is sometimes a very popular option because students leave their respective programs with a broader set of skills than if they focused on aesthetics alone.

It is important to know the benefits and drawbacks of different types of beauty programs before enrolling. Beautician programs that offer an associate degree are great for students looking to continue their formal education. Many estheticians choose to enter the medical field as paramedical estheticians or move on to a specialized field like dermatology. Beautician programs that offer an associate degree will often be eligible for Federal Financial Aid to help fund their tuition.

Esthetician certificate programs are great for students who believe they don’t want to continue formal education. However, many private certificate programs are very expensive and Federal Financial Aid is generally not offered at these schools and academies.

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