Types of forearm stretches?

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Forearm stretches can help increase flexibility and relieve tension in muscles used for repetitive activities, such as typing or sports like tennis. Stretches for flexor and extensor muscles of the fingers, flexor and extensor carpi radialis muscles, brachioradialis, pronator, and supinator muscles are recommended and should be held for at least 20 seconds on each side.

Forearm stretches include any exercise designed to increase flexibility or relieve tension in the muscles of the forearm and wrist. The people who are most likely to benefit from stretching this region of the forearm are those who perform repetitive activities with the wrist and forearm. This can include anyone who works at a computer, as well as athletes whose sport requires a large amount of elbow and wrist movement, such as tennis players.

There are several important muscle groups that run along the length of the forearm, between the wrist and the elbow, that see a lot of daily use and can therefore benefit from a regular stretching routine. Some are responsible for flexing and extending the fingers, such as the flexor and extensor muscles of the fingers. Others flex and extend the wrist joint, such as the flexor and extensor carpi radialis muscles. Still others act to flex the elbow, such as the brachioradialis, while some muscles control pronation and supination, or rotate in and out of the forearm. These are loosely known as the pronator and supinator muscles.

Of these major muscle groups, those that flex or flex the wrist and hand forward, those that extend the wrist back, and those that prone and supinate the arm may need more forearm stretching. The muscles that curve the hand and wrist forward are often used for typing and manipulating a computer mouse. Stretches for these muscles can be done while sitting at a desk. To stretch these muscles, one should extend the arm in front of the body with the palm facing up and grasp the hand with the other hand. You should then use your other hand to pull down onto your outstretched palm, bending your wrist back and holding this position for at least 20 seconds.

Hand and wrist extensors are also used during typing and mouse use. These can be stretched by extending both arms in front of the body with the palms facing down and bending the wrists down and out so that the fingers are angled outward. Forearm stretches for the extensors should also be held statically for at least 20 seconds and performed on both sides.

The pronator and supinator muscles, frequently used by tennis players, rotate the forearm in opposite directions, so the same stretch can be applied in two directions to stretch both groups. To stretch the supinators, the right arm should be extended in front of the body with the palm facing down, and the left palm should be stacked on the back of the right hand. Hooking the left thumb around the outside of the right hand, the left hand should be used to rotate the right hand so that the thumb points downward and the palm faces out, and the stretch should be held for more than 20 seconds on each side.

To stretch the pronators, the right arm should be extended palm up and the left hand placed below with the left palm pressing against the back of the right hand. Holding the fleshy part of the right thumb with the fingers of the left hand, the right thumb should be pulled down and the wrist rotated so that the palm of the right hand faces out. Again, forearm stretches for pronators are recommended for tennis players and should be held for 20 seconds on each side.

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