Greeting cards come in various types, including funny or serious, with sub-categories such as heartfelt, rhyming, or religious. Some have blank interiors, while others feature animal photos, artwork, or unique photography. Handmade cards are also an option. There are cards for every occasion and relationship, including family-specific categories. The vast selection ensures everyone can find the perfect card.
When considering different types of greeting cards, the most basic decision is do you want a funny card or a serious card? For almost every occasion, with the exception of sympathy cards, you will have this choice.
If the card you want to get will be serious, there are also sub-categories here. Heartfelt greeting cards that sound like you’ve sat down and written down your innermost thoughts; cards with rhyming poem; or religious cards, conveying the message in a tone of spirituality.
There are a myriad of different types of greeting cards, including cards that are blank inside so you can write your own message. Some have funny animal photos or computer-generated graphics depicting impossible animals. Others are of beautiful scenery or unique artwork. Some use photography in unique ways to look extremely old or to depict classic movie scenes or characters.
For a completely different type of greeting card, you can choose handmade cards individually cellophane wrapped with the envelope. These cards are highly artistic, usually cost a little more and are usually found in bookstores. They are usually hollow inside. However, if you’re not good at writing, you can always buy a second greeting card that says something nice inside, then glue the second card inside the first. When you open the homemade card, you will see the inside of the second card. Just make sure the second card is smaller so you don’t have to cut it, as it will look better this way. Use caulk rather than glue or glue as it won’t bleed through the paper or change color.
There are different types of greeting cards for every occasion. Birthday (including special milestone and belated cards), Wedding, Newborn, Anniversary, Graduation, Bar Mitzvah, First Communion, Get Well Cards, Retirement, Congratulations (could be for a new job, new home, or any personal accomplishment) , apologies, friendship, miss you, romantic and of course greeting cards including Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. There are also “from the dog” cards (usually for birthdays or Mother’s Day/Father’s Day).
For family occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries, greeting cards are divided into further categories based on who gives them. “To Mom From Son” or “To Father From Daughter” are two examples. There are also “from both” cards that could be given by siblings to parents. Generic categories can be provided by anyone.
No matter what your style and inclination is, the extreme diversity and choice among different types of greeting cards is bound to satisfy your needs and even delight them. Not only might you find the perfect card, you might only find two.