Hand fans come in various types, from ornate and expensive silk fans to simple and cheap paper fans. They can be made of any material, including palm fronds, and are popular in Asia. Folding hand fans are the most common type, while church hand fans are a recent trend.
The types of hand fans vary as much as the imagination. They can be made of almost any material, be quite ornate and beautiful or very simple and functional. They can cost next to nothing or be relatively expensive. It all depends on the workforce that enters them and their level of technology.
In the past, handheld fans were just simply designed units without much technology. The material used was a fibrous material, such as paper, or dry vegetation, such as palm fronds. In some cases, the energy exerted to move air over areas of skin, usually the face, caused as much heat to be created as if these woven fans had never been used.
Folding hand fans are perhaps the most common type. These fans often have metal or wooden sides that hold the inside of the fan together. When the fan is ready to expand, the sides simply unfold, often forming a semicircle. Somehow the inside of the fan looks like an accordion.
Hand fans were invented, or at least very popular, in Asia and as such can be referred to as Asian hand fans. Often made of silk, they can be very impressive to look at. The designs and colors used often make them a favorite for many people. Even those who don’t put them to practical use can purchase them to use as collectibles.
While these ornate hand fans can be very expensive, most find that paper fans are better use of their money. While they may not last as long, they are easily replaceable. Folding paper fans can also contain various designs. As such they are very popular and very cheap souvenirs and can be given out at parties.
Woven fans tend to last a bit longer and can also be simple or highly ornate. Of all the materials they are made from, palm fronds seem to be a very popular choice. As such, they can be referred to as palm fans. The leaves are often dried, browned, and processed in such a way that they do not resemble palm fronds at all.
In recent years, church hand fans have also become popular. These fans are usually made of cardboard or some other type of rigid material that is then attached to a piece of wood. The main part of the fan may have a picture of a church or some other image printed on it. Those who use the fans hold them by the piece of wood. They are also good marketing tools.