Types of healthy fasting?

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Fasting has been used for centuries to cleanse the body and some use it for religious or spiritual reasons. Water and juice fasting are common, but should be supervised by a medical professional. Fasting allows the digestive system to cleanse itself and some resorts offer guided fasting with additional treatments.

People have been using fasting as a way to cleanse the digestive system and heal the body for centuries. Some people also use fasting as part of a religious or spiritual practice. There are several ways to fast that are healthy and safe. However, it is important to remember that fasting should only be practiced with proper medical supervision and with the approval of a physician. Some people with fragile or compromised health can become seriously ill or put their health in serious danger by fasting.

Some of the more common forms of fasting include water fasting and juice fasting. Fasting without fluids is not recommended. In fact, drinking plenty of fluids is an important part of a healthy fast, the purpose of which is to flush out the system. Healthy water-only fasting is often practiced for only a 24-hour period. Sometimes it is practiced for much longer. In fact, some guides talk about fasting using only water for up to 40 days. This type of very intense, long-term fasting should be supervised by an experienced medical professional.

When people use water quickly, they sometimes season it with lemon. In this way, water fasting sometimes bridges the gap with another popular type of fast, which is juice fasting. While water fasting is a type of healthy fast that can provide results more quickly, juice fasting is often easier because the body is still supplied with vitamins and nutrients.

The theory behind healthy fasting is that fasting gives the digestive system time to cleanse itself. By not introducing solid food into the system, the digestive tract can recover and release toxins. Avoiding food completely is difficult for many people who are interested in a healthy fast. For this reason, some people follow modified healthy fasting plans that include eating only certain types of solid foods, such as avocados or bananas.

There are some health centers that offer healthy fasting systems to their guests. The fasts are guided by professionals and the guests receive support to maintain their fasts. At these types of resorts, healthy fasting is sometimes accompanied by massage therapy and colonic irrigation treatments. Sometimes there are also some gentle exercise classes that fasted bursts can do.

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