Homeschoolers use a variety of books, including standard textbooks, self-study books, and ordinary books. Some use prepackaged curriculums, while others use self-paced workbooks or unschooling methods. Homeschooling can be for religious or secular reasons, and parents can find support through homeschooling networks and educational resources. Online and software-based instruction is also available.
Families who homeschool their children use a variety of homeschool books according to their homeschooling philosophy and their children’s needs. Some families rely on standard textbooks such as those used in public or private schools. Others use home-based self-study books designed to help students or their parents learn the material on their own. Other families may choose not to use books specifically designed for formal education, but may simply use books on various subjects that meet their children’s curriculum needs.
Homeschoolers are a diverse group of people who often use highly individualized approaches in teaching their children. Some families feel more comfortable with a prepackaged curriculum where homeschool books are used along with teaching materials and instructional guides provided to parents. In other cases, homeschool books are actually self-paced workbooks where students work quite independently under the supervision of their parents. Some families may not use special homeschooling books at all, but may use ordinary books and textbooks to teach their children. For example, one theory of homeschooling, also known as unschooling, avoids most of the pitfalls of formal education and thus encourages children to read books of their own choice rather than those specifically written for educational purposes.
Homeschooling families may do so for several reasons. Some families are homeschooled because their religious faith requires them to keep their children separate from mainstream education systems. Consequently, there are several homeschool book publishers that reflect a specific religious orientation. Many homeschoolers are not religious or do not homeschool for religious reasons. These homeschoolers may instead choose curriculum and books that are secular in nature. If homeschoolers work in partnership with the local school district, their children can use the same textbooks as public school students in their area.
Homeschool books for parents can include curriculum reviews, homeschooling theories, and practical tips. Parents can also get involved in homeschooling or alternative education networks in their community for support and as a way to provide additional educational experiences for their children. In addition to homeschool books, homeschool community providers offer a variety of educational resources. Some families are more inclined to rely on the Internet and personal computers for education instead of books and notebooks. Some traditional homeschool publishers now offer online and software-based instruction which can include PDF files of books or simply interactive teaching modules.