The shipping industry involves moving goods by various means, including trains, trucks, planes, and boats. Jobs in the industry range from load planners to logistics professionals, drivers, operators, yard engineers, and air traffic controllers. Each role plays a crucial part in ensuring the safe and timely transport of goods.
The shipping industry includes any type of service focused on moving goods or merchandise from one location to another. This can be done via trains, trucks, planes or even cargo boats. Jobs in the shipping sector therefore vary significantly according to the type of shipping being done. Load planners are usually required in any form of shipment; these jobs in the transportation industry focus on planning the order in which cargo will be loaded onto a transportation vehicle. This is a vital process for aircraft and boats to ensure a balanced load that will prevent loss of vehicle control.
Logistics professionals will fill transportation industry jobs in planning and strategy. They will be responsible for creating departure times and may be involved in scheduling flights, train departures and arrivals, and ship departures and arrivals. Other shipping logistical processes will be addressed by these professionals, as well as ensuring that items are transported in a timely manner and delays are avoided wherever possible. When delays occur, logistics professionals must change schedules and change shipping methods to accommodate these delays.
Driver and operator positions are shipping jobs that deal with the actual movement of goods. Drivers can operate land delivery trucks, trains or even boats and planes. Pilots can work for shipping companies exclusively to move goods faster than any other shipping method. Boat captains can guide ships around the world to transport larger items and bulk goods. Along with operators, various types of personnel will be involved in ensuring vehicles are safe and ready for transport; inspectors and refueling workers, for example, will be responsible for preparing a vehicle for departure and ensuring it is safe.
Yard engineers work at rail yards to organize cars, prepare trains for loading and unloading, and coordinate with conductors to ensure the route has been established correctly, the train is fueled, and all other details are addressed. These jobs in the shipping industry will require experience and training and in some cases the job can be quite dangerous as the engineers will be working in an active rail yard where the trains will be moving.
Air traffic controllers are not necessarily exclusive to the shipping industry, but they are vital players in the safe transport of goods. These professionals work at airports and monitor and control the arrivals and departures of various aircraft. Boarding planes cannot arrive at or depart from an airport without the coordination of the air traffic controller.