Kidney diseases can be caused by external pressure, genetic or physiological mutations, lifestyle choices, and diet. Polycystic kidney disease is a common genetic kidney disease, while kidney stones and hematuria are less severe. Acute kidney failure can lead to dialysis and kidney transplant, and risk factors include diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Blood tests can determine kidney disease.
There are many different kidney, or kidney diseases, which can range in severity from mild to life-threatening, but broadly speaking, all can be divided into two main types: those caused by external pressure or stimulation, and those triggered solely by genetic or physiological mutations. . The difference isn’t always as stark as patients might want to think. Sometimes things like lifestyle choices and diet can contribute to kidney problems, but genetics and individual biological markers almost always play a role as well. One of the most common genetic kidney diseases is polycystic kidney disease, in which cysts and growths form on the kidneys, affecting their function and usually also causing excruciating pain. Things like kidney tumors usually fall into this category, and blood in the urine, a condition known as hematuria, will sometimes. Kidney stones are one of the most common created conditions and this problem is usually caused by dehydration associated with excessive calcium consumption. Treatment and prognosis for these and other kidney problems vary depending on the condition and the patient in question, but dialysis and transplantation are common options in severe cases.
Understand the kidneys in general
Healthy people have two kidneys that work together to filter blood and produce urine. They also play a role in regulating blood pressure and mineral balance in the body. The more serious types of kidney disease are usually related to kidney malfunction, perhaps related to a defect or other genetic problem. Many of these run in families and can arise without warning.
Other illnesses, usually less serious, are caused by environmental triggers or medications or are symptoms of larger problems primarily affecting other parts of the body. Sometimes these are thought of as self-induced or caused by the patient. This isn’t always true, though; the role of genetics is often greater than researchers once suspected, and people are sometimes more prone to infection, inflammation, or disease than others at an underlying biological level. This can exacerbate the effects of otherwise harmless environmental conditions, effectively turning them into triggers.
Polycystic kidney disease
One of the most harmful kidney conditions is polycystic kidney. This genetic disorder causes multiple cysts to grow in the kidneys. Cysts can cause back pain, high blood pressure, and urinary problems. Without treatment, the kidneys can become damaged and fail.
Kidney stones
Kidney stones are probably the most common form of kidney disease, but also the easiest to treat. A kidney stone is a small, hardened material that forms in the kidney. This can cause blood in the urine and pain in the back and stomach. One method of treating kidney stones is to let the stone pass through the urine. The kidneys can also have simple benign cysts, made up of small sacs filled with fluid. Eventually, the cysts may dissolve and usually don’t require treatment.
Hematuria, also known as blood in the urine, is a different kidney problem. Blood in the urine is usually harmless and caused by urinary tract infections. Doctors normally prescribe antibiotics to clear up this infection.
Kidney failure
Even minor problems can become major concerns if left untreated. When a person’s kidneys stop working, they will go into what is known as “acute kidney failure.” This can be caused by any number of things, including kidney injury, medications, and disease. Acute kidney disease can cause damage to other areas of the body. Individuals with acute kidney failure typically need dialysis, which is a mechanical flushing of the kidneys to filter out impurities.
Dialysis and transplant
Dialysis is generally considered a short-term solution for kidney failure. Patients essentially let medical machines do the filtering role of the kidneys, which may work successfully for some time, but is invasive enough that it’s usually not considered wise to do so for years on end. When dialysis is not effective, the kidneys will stop working. The damage that can occur is permanent, and people in this situation will most likely need a kidney transplant.
A kidney transplant involves the surgical removal of the diseased kidney and urethra from the patient. The patient will then receive a healthy kidney and urethra from a donor, dead or alive; humans technically need only one functioning kidney, meaning friends or family members can act as donors if they have complementary blood and tissue types. The recipient will need to take medications and undergo regular tests to make sure that the body does not reject the new organs.
Risk factors and prevention tips
In general, those who are at the greatest risk of developing kidney conditions are those with diabetes, high blood pressure or heart disease. Family members of someone who has kidney disease may also be at an elevated risk. Older people are more likely to get kidney disease as age is also a factor.
Doctors can test your blood to determine if kidney disease is present. The blood will have specific levels of protein and creatine which confirm a kidney condition. The doctor can discuss the results with the patient and review treatment options.