Martial arts, originating from Eastern cultures, promote physical fitness and spiritual awareness. Styles include hard and soft fighting arts such as karate, kung fu, and judo. Some styles focus on defensive counterattacks, while others focus on throwing and blocking techniques. Martial arts also incorporate chi training for internal energy.
Martial arts have been used for centuries as an activity to promote physical fitness and spiritual awareness. Most martial arts styles originated from Eastern cultures. These styles are divided into the hard and soft styles of fighting arts. Martial arts exercise programs include karate, kung fu, muay thai boxing, judo, akido, and many other modern styles of mixed martial arts.
Mild style martial arts fitness programs focus on locks and throwing techniques. These are considered defensive programs. Hapkido and Akido are two ancient styles of martial arts designed to react to an attack with a defensive counterattack. Practitioners train by redirecting the force of the attack against the opponent instead of opposing him head on. Both styles practice shots, blocks, and submission techniques designed to pin an opponent down.
Physical training for a trowing-style martial art focuses primarily on balance, reflexes, core strength, and general leverage techniques. The central area of the body is used to launch potential attackers. By having superior core strength and balance, the martial artist can easily move into advantageous positions for throwing and blocking techniques.
Judo is another example of a throwing style martial art, which originated in Japan. Judo martial arts fitness programs are widely used in many other throwing style programs today. This style was introduced to the Olympic Games as a sport during the 1964 games in Tokyo, Japan.
Flashy style martial arts include karate, muay thai boxing, tae kwon do, and kung fu. These styles focus on defensive and offensive moves designed to attack the opponent with head-to-head breaking techniques. Hard style martial arts are designed to produce power, speed, and stamina. A typical martial arts exercise program for these styles includes a combination of punching, kicking, stretching, and resistance fighting.
Martial arts fitness culture also includes a significant focus on spiritual awareness. Chi is the study of the internal power of the human body. All humans require energy, or chi, to function effectively. Eastern martial arts devote significant training focused on internal energy.
Chi training is relaxation training, designed to promote energy. There are many different styles of martial arts that incorporate some element of chi. A chi training exercise will usually require 15 minutes of concentration and deep relaxation exercise. This type of training allows a martial artist to focus power on any area of the body.