Noise barriers are structures used to block sound waves from roads, railways, and industrial areas. They can be made from natural or artificial materials and must consider factors such as traffic, terrain, and materials. Living with excessive noise can harm health. There are two types of noise barriers: on-site and artificial. Artificial barriers have drawbacks such as cost, aesthetics, and drainage issues. Noise barriers are most often built in residential areas where roads pass through.
There are different types of noise barriers which are regularly used to reduce noise pollution. Noise barriers are any external structure used to block sound waves from roads, railway tracks and industrial areas. They can be made from natural or artificial materials. To be effective, these barriers must take into consideration a number of factors.
When engineers design noise barriers, they look at the amount of traffic on a road, how it is shaped, what the terrain is like around the roadway, and what kinds of materials the road is made of. Noise barriers are expensive to build and install. In particular, barrier walls that run along interstate highways can mean miles of construction. For this reason, noise barriers are most often built in areas where roads pass through residential areas.
Scientific research has shown time and time again that living with excessive noise can be harmful to the health of residents. Excessive noise can lead to hearing problems, elevated blood pressure, sleep disturbances, and increased overall stress levels.
There are two basic types of noise barriers. The former are made on the ground, on site. This is the least expensive option. The land is available on site and at no cost, so the only cost is the work of building the barrier wall.
There is often not enough material on the job. In this case, property owners along roadways often permit the use of some fill materials on their property. This provides the added benefit of lowering the ground level of the property, further reducing noise on the property.
Partitions can also be built from artificial materials. They can be concrete, steel, plastic or composite materials. These materials are very effective at preventing sound waves from traveling off the roadway, but have other drawbacks.
The main disadvantages of man-made noise barriers are cost, aesthetics and the need for specialized drainage solutions. The cost of several miles of noise barriers can quickly become astronomical. Aesthetics are also a concern, as miles of steel or concrete walls can be very unappealing. Finally, placing a noise barrier alongside an existing roadway can cause changes in drainage on the roadway, leading to waterlogging during wet weather. All of these factors must be carefully considered when constructing a noise barrier.