Online editor jobs involve proofreading and editing various types of online content, such as web pages, social media posts, and articles. Some editors also create new content and use coding to post it. Experience with writing, language, and social media is often required.
Different types of online editor jobs are generally classified based on the type of writing an editor might need to proofread and edit. Web page content editors, for example, are often involved in editing text that will be published on a website to ensure accuracy and proper grammar. There are also online publishers that focus on social media and networks, ensuring that the content on a webpage is effectively conveying information and using various components of social media. Other online editor jobs involve websites that publish articles, often informational or persuasive, and require similar work as a magazine or newspaper editor.
Some online editor jobs are closely tied to creating new content for websites, usually in the form of basic text. A site might run a new announcement on the home page or issue a press release on the first page customers view. Content editors often review these types of posts and ensure they are grammatically and factually accurate before they are shown to the general public. These types of online editor jobs can be closely tied to website administration or development, and some editors may also use coding to post text on a webpage.
Other online editor jobs are involved with particular aspects of the Internet and the creation of new online content, including the use of social networks by different websites. If a business wants to post updates about new products or services while using social media, an online publisher may be responsible for ensuring these methods are used properly. A press release can be provided to such an editor who ensures that it uses different aspects of social media. These online editor jobs are usually filled by people who have experience not only with writing and language, but also with social media and using different online networking tools.
There are also several online editor jobs that are similar to the work done by editors in various aspects of the printing industry. Some sites publish articles in the same way as a newspaper or magazine, and editors on those sites often have similar roles. These online editor jobs often require proofreading articles for grammatical issues, factual inconsistencies, and to ensure overall adherence to the tone and voice of the site. Editors at these sites may also write and periodically publish editorial articles and oversee other editing teams to ensure consistent quality and style are maintained by all writers.