Types of online video ads?

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Online video advertising has become a popular way for companies to sell products and services. There are five types of online video advertising: pre-roll, companion, interactive, invite, and overlay, each with its own pros and cons.

Online video advertising has become big business for companies looking to sell products and services online. Some marketing and advertising professionals equate online video advertising to commercial TV advertising, but with a twist and far more benefits. There are five main types of online video advertising: pre-roll, companion, interactive, invite and overlay. Of course, each type has its own set of pros and cons as well.

Pre-roll online video advertising is a part of a video that someone wants to watch online, the ad can play before the video, which is a pre-roll. Other subcategories of pre-roll are mid-roll, which is when the ad appears in the middle of the video. If the ad is at the end of the video, this is referred to as a post-roll online video ad.

Companion online video advertising is a banner that appears on the video screen as the video plays. The banner can appear at the bottom, top, or either side of the video pop-up screen. The pro is that there is a brand presence for the entire video, but the catch is that the viewer has to take an extra step to click through to the advertisers site.

The third type of online video advertising is interactive. This type of video advertising seeks to engage the viewer into entering some form of information while they are watching the video. It may also ask for this information before, in the middle or at the end of the video. For example, an interactive online video advertising effort may ask for the email address or zip code of the person watching the video. The pro is that you can customize the ad. The downside is that it can be distracting.

The fourth type of online video advertising is invite. This is when a short message appears next to the video trying to get the video watcher to interact or take action. The message does not remain, but appears long enough for the observer to decide whether or not to act and then disappears. The pro is that it’s less intrusive, but the con is that many web publishers don’t support this type of ad.

The final type of video advertising is overlay. This is when a message overlays the video screen while the video is playing. It’s similar to the online video advertising invitation form, but it only appears at the top or bottom of the video screen for a short time, not for the entire time the video is playing. The pro is that it doesn’t interrupt the video watcher. On the downside, some observers don’t recognize them as advertisements.

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