Types of portable air filters?

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Portable air filtration systems, such as HEPA filters, ozone ionizers, negative air machines, and ultraviolet purifiers, remove pollutants from indoor air. They are useful in single rooms and can filter bacteria, viruses, gases, and ammonia. They are also used for building sites and renovations where there is no central heating and air.

An air filter system removes pollutants from indoor air. Portable air filtration cleans the air in a single room instead of the entire house. Types of portable air filtration include HEPA air filters, ozone ionizers, negative air machines and ultraviolet purifiers.
High Efficiency Particle Arresting (HEPA) air filtration products work by trapping pollutants and drawing them through the filter using a fan. On more expensive models, this type of portable air cleaner can filter bacteria, viruses, gases and ammonia through its air filter. In a basic model, bacteria and viruses can be filtered out.

Electronic ionizers are another category of portable air filtration and come in two types. Ozone ionizers work by creating an electric charge that splits air molecules. Some of these molecules then form O3, which is ozone. Ozone attaches itself to airborne germs, such as the germs that cause pneumonia, and also viruses such as chicken pox and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Although large amounts of ozone are a danger to humans, electronic ionizers produce only very small amounts and are only viable for about 20 minutes before converting back to normal oxygen.

Another type of electronic ionizer is the negative air machine. Portable air filtration works by creating negative ions through an electrical process. Negative ions attach themselves to oxygen and other gases, thus attracting pollutants such as dust, pollen and smoke. Once attached, the pollutants make the ion too heavy to stay in the air and it falls to the ground where it can be sucked in or sucked up through the ionizers vent. As this portable air filtration removes pollutants, the odors associated with them are also removed.

Ultraviolet germicidal (UVGI) irradiation is used in conjunction with portable air filtration to destroy mold. It works by reflecting UV radiation off surfaces that process indoor air, such as cooling coils and ductwork. By killing mold at its source, it is not filtered into the air.

Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO) cleaners also work with portable air filtration systems. They kill gaseous pollutants and convert them into other compounds that are not harmful to humans. These cleaners work by combining a material with UV light to create a reaction that converts the compounds.

Portable air filtration is an option for homes without central heat and air. It is also often used for building sites and renovations where there is no central heating and no air present. It can also be used when indoor heating and air are not sufficient to remove significant amounts of pollutants.

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