Boxing is a good exercise and recreational therapy for children of all ages. Punching bags for kids can be inflatable, adjustable, lightweight hanging, or heavy hanging bags, each with its pros and cons. Inflatable bags are for children under five, adjustable bags for four to ten-year-olds, lightweight hanging bags for over ten-year-olds with moderate skill, and heavy hanging bags for over ten-year-olds with low to moderate experience.
Boxing is an activity that can provide exercise and recreational therapy for children of all ages. It is an effective way to keep children healthy and fit, while providing a positive outlet to safely relieve aggression. Punching bags for kids can be essentially divided into four types which include inflatable, adjustable, lightweight and heavy hanging bags. Each type has its pros and cons, and knowing the differences between each variety should help most parents select the ideal punching bag for their child.
Inflatable punching bags for kids are the simplest and cheapest type. They are similar to classic blow up dolls that often have a clown or cartoon hero painted on them. Inflatable bags are mainly intended for children under five years of age. The lightweight design minimizes the risk of children being injured during play. Inflatable bags are often ideal for very young children who are just starting out and have an idea of boxing.
Adjustable punching bags for children usually come with a stand that can be raised or lowered to accommodate children of different heights. They are usually more expensive than inflatable bags and are weighted down on the ground with water or sand to hold them in place. Adjustable bags are mainly intended for children between the ages of four and ten and are much heavier than inflatable bags. They tend to be in the middle of the road in terms of price.
Another type of punching bag for kids are lightweight hanging or “speed” bags. They are the smallest type of punching bag, and are usually hung from a platform or ceiling. Lightweight hanging bags require the most precise strikes and are primarily aimed at children over the age of ten with at least a moderate skill level. Parents should be aware that they may be unsafe for young children because they will shoot once hit, which can occasionally result in minor injuries. They are more similar to adult punching bags in design and tend to be more expensive than inflatable and adjustable bags.
Heavy hanging bags are also hung from a platform or ceiling, but they are much larger and heavier than their lightweight counterparts. This type of bag is also intended for children over the age of ten with a low to moderate level of experience. They are safer than light bags because they generate momentum much more slowly when hit. Heavy hanging bags are usually the most expensive type of bag.