Types of Retail Banking Jobs?

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Retail banking jobs include tellers, bankers, auditors, loan officers, and managers. The required education level varies, but those with higher education and customer service experience can find employment. Teller positions require a high school education, while personal bankers and auditors require customer service experience or a degree. Managers oversee the entire operation and often require an advanced degree. Loan officers and mortgage risk analysts are typically held elsewhere.

Retail banking jobs include tellers, bankers, auditors, loan officers and managers. Depending on the desired job, a variety of educational levels may be required. Generally, those with a higher education, especially in finance or economics, plus some cash handling or customer service experience, can find employment in a retail banking environment. Those interested in retail banking jobs generally get along well with people and are flexible enough to respond to changing conditions and requests.

Of all retail banking jobs, the teller position usually handles the most people. These jobs include handling day-to-day tasks like processing deposits and withdrawals, as well as checking account balances. Tellers can also cash checks for those who bring checks drawn on that particular bank. Generally, the requirement for a teller position is simply to have a high school education, as well as some money handling experience, but each banking institution determines its own requirements.

A personal banker is often the first point of contact for a banking customer when they want to open a new account of some kind. These individuals will help a person open a checking or savings account, as well as apply for a loan. Personal bankers may also be responsible for recommending savings products such as certificates of deposit or setting up a client with a financial planer. This job usually requires a few years of customer service experience or a college degree.

Auditors are the watchdogs of the retail banking industry. Of all retail banking jobs, this is probably the one that is most behind the scenes and out of the general public eye. Auditors are responsible for ensuring the account balance and that all deposits, withdrawals and other transactions are carried out correctly. The auditor may also be responsible for helping to resolve any disputes that arise. Generally, a degree in accounting or a related field is the minimum requirement for this position.

Managers are responsible for overseeing the entire retail banking operation. There is usually at least one manager for each physical site, often referred to as a branch manager or president. This person likely has a college degree and years of experience in many different facets of the retail banking industry. Often even an advanced degree is required.

Other retail banking positions that were typically held at each physical location, such as loan officers and mortgage risk analysts, are typically held elsewhere. Many locations may not have the traffic to fully service these positions. Therefore, these services can be performed from a centralized corporate location. Smaller branches can submit jobs or requests for these people to review.

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