Smoking supplies include tobacco, rolling papers, lighters, ashtrays, pipes, and bongs. Smoking has harmful health effects and can be expensive. Smokeless ashtrays vary in effectiveness. Marijuana smoking supplies include rolling papers and roach clips.
The main types of smoking supplies include tobacco or other product plus something to light the smoke. Smoking products such as cigarettes and cigars can be sold ready-made; if not, other supplies such as rolling papers are needed. Although smoking tobacco cigarettes and cigars is legal for people reaching the age of consent in many places around the world, dangerous health risks such as cancer from doing so are considered possible side effects. Smoking marijuana is illegal in most parts of the world as it is also associated with unhealthy side effects, but it may be legal for medical use in some countries. Marijuana smoking supplies include rolling papers, or matching lighters, and a clip to hold the end of your cigarette or a joint.
Common smoking supplies for all product types include ashtrays. Because of the well-documented harmful effects of smoking on others in a room rather than just the smokers, there are ashtrays available designed to attract and reduce it. These products are usually sold as “smokeless ashtrays”. Smokeless ashtrays vary in how well they work, or not, in some cases.
Many people who buy smokeless ashtrays are not satisfied with enough smoke being drawn into the machines. Other smokers find that smokeless ashtrays work effectively to reduce some of their smoke. Many smokeless ashtrays are loud due to loud motors. Smokeless ashtray variations with filters can better control the smoke, however the filter replacement procedure is often difficult to do correctly.
Lighters are popular types of smoking supplies, as a simple flick of the thumb often creates a light. If you don’t use a cigarette lighter, it takes two hands and maybe several strokes to light the matches. Lighters come in inexpensive ones with plastic cases and expensive sterling silver types suitable for engraving for gifting.
Pipes are used for smoking pipe tobacco. They are hand held with a stem ending in a bowl to hold the tobacco. Bongs are water pipes that are sometimes used for smoking tobacco, but more commonly for marijuana.
For tobacco sold in pouch-like packaging rather than ready-made cigarettes or cigars, rolling papers are another necessary smoking supplies. Rolling papers sold in packs are also used to make marijuana cigarettes or joints. The tobacco or marijuana is placed in a line in the folded center of the paper before it is rolled. The ends of the paper cigarette are typically twisted to help hold the contents. When a joint of marijuana burns to the bottom, a metal holder called a roach clip is often used to avoid burning your fingers.
All kinds of smoking products can cause discoloration of fingers and teeth. Chronic bad breath is another common side effect of all types of smoking. Marijuana, cigar, and cigarette smoke leave a strong odor in your mouth and on your clothes. All types of smoking supplies, especially the product itself, can be very costly and destructive to your personal finances and health.