Types of Spanish Appetizers?

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Spanish tapas offer a wide range of dishes, including soups, egg and cheese dishes, vegetables, and ham. Gazpacho, tortilla de patatas, and Manchego cheese are popular choices, while ham is a staple in many tapas dishes. Paella is a favorite appetizer or meal.

Spanish appetizers, also known as tapas, include dozens of different dishes with hundreds of variations. A huge variety of Spanish appetizers celebrate the wonderful indigenous foods of sunny Spain while also showing the influence of other nearby culinary traditions. Some of the more popular types of Spanish appetizers include soups, pies and egg dishes, prepared vegetables and ham dishes.

Spain’s soups are quite unique and make excellent appetizers when served in shot glasses or china spoons. One of the most popular types of Spanish soup is gazpacho, a tomato-based concoction with a spicy kick that’s served cold. For a milder version, white gazpacho is made with yogurt, almonds, cucumbers and herbs and is often served cold over grapes or cherry tomatoes. Another favorite appetizer soup is paella, which is a large plate of rice filled with fish, vegetables, or meat.

Egg and cheese dishes and small pies make excellent hearty appetizers that can even replace a full meal. Perhaps the most famous Spanish egg dish is the tortilla de patatas or Spanish omelette, an omelette mixture of eggs, herbs, butter and freshly fried potatoes. Empanadas, which are crescent-shaped pastries filled with meat, fish, or cheese, can be baked in large batches and are sure to please even the hungriest crowd. Manchego cheese, a hard Spanish cheese served in thin slices, is also a staple of a tapas, served alone or with bread and olives.

Vegetables in various preparations help make Spanish appetizers healthy and delicious. No tapas dish is complete without a few fatty Spanish olives, which have a light, fruity flavor and firm texture. Olives can be served in oil or mixed with chiles and herbs for a distinct flavor. Pickled vegetables, such as red peppers and garlic, are often served as a spicy snack. Other popular vegetables include fried potato wedges with tomato sauce, pickled mushrooms, and fried asparagus or eggplant.

While Spanish cuisine features many meat and seafood dishes, the enticing taste of ham makes its way into many Spanish appetizers. Ham on toast, ham with almonds, and a variety of ham, fruit, and cheese bruschetta help add heartiness to an antipasto platter. Ham is often incorporated into dishes such as empanadas or omelettes, or it can simply be served on its own. Other popular fish and meat dishes include fried calamari, white wine stewed clams, and Spanish meatballs. Paella, which is a large rice dish filled with fish, vegetables, or meat, is a favorite appetizer or meal.

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