Textile machines, such as looms, knitting machines, and dyeing machines, are used to create fabrics through weaving, knitting, and other methods. Specialized machines can create special effects on fabric or prepare yarn for use.
Textiles are woven or woven fabrics made using a variety of methods including weaving, felting, knitting, netting, and weaving. A weaving machine is a device with moving parts that contributes in some way to the manufacture of fabrics. This type of machine would be involved in the processes of dyeing, printing, twisting, fiber processing, fabric handling, yarn handling, sewing, weaving or knitting, for example.
The types of textile machines used for dyeing include a stirring tank, a large insulated vat that is used with a mixer, an air pump, and a heating coil, or a dye bench, another type of vat assembly where dyed the fabric. Other textile machines used in dyeing include fast swing dyeing machine, dyeing oven, computerized high temperature jet dyeing machines and rope dyeing machines. For drying there are steam dryers, tumble dryers, belt dryers, tumble dryers. For printing, the types of textile machine used include a rotary screen printing machine, a thermal transfer printer or a transfer printing calendar.
Weaving is the process by which yarn is woven together to make fabric. The two directions of the thread are known as the warp and the weft. Weaving is done on types of textile machines called looms. These include air-jet looms and water-jet looms, where the force of air or water is used to insert the weft. Specialized looms include circular weaving looms and narrow weaving looms.
Knitting is another method, in addition to weaving, of turning threads into fabric. In textile manufacturing, knitting machines of various kinds are used to make fabrics that are knitted, rather than woven. These include Single Jersey Knitting Machine, Spandex Rib Knitting Machine, and Knitted Jerseys. Flat bed knitters and circular knitters of various diameters are also used, such as 3.5 inches (8.89 cm) and 6 inches (15.24 cm).
To create special effects on fabric, there are different types of textile machines that can create embossing, for example. Other machines are used to mercerize, smooth or nap. For fabric preparation, there are machines that bleach, shrink and wash the fabric. For the yard, there are winders, yarn conditioners, and hank extenders.