Different types of purses include clutches, bags, hobos, crossbody bags, and shoulder bags. They can be purchased from designer labels and vary in size and style. Designer handbags are often made from expensive materials like leather and fur.
There are many different types of purses, including clutches, bags, and hobos. Purses are also another type of bag, one that is generally larger than most other bags. Also, some purses cannot be defined so narrowly, but may fit into a broader category, such as crossbody bags and shoulder bags. All types of handbags can be purchased from a designer label.
Clutches are small, rectangular purses that are generally designed to be held in the hand. Sometimes a clutch purse will have a chain handle that can be wrapped around the clutch for storage. This type of bag doesn’t have much and is often seen on celebrities at award shows and ceremonies.
The bags are reasonably tall bags intended to be carried by hand rather than on the shoulder. This type of bag often has a sleek outer appearance with few outer pockets. Some bags are quite large and capable of carrying a laptop, miniature styling tools, and identification. When they were first invented, tote bags rarely had interior pockets and did not have zipper closures. As carrying cell phones and other small but expensive gadgets became popular, the bag became a more secure and organized bag.
Hobo bags are defined by their crescent shape and baggy appearance. Unlike clutches, drifters are generally large with sturdy handles. Sometimes hobo bags are designed to be worn on one shoulder rather than held up. The bag gets its name from the stereotypical cartoon homeless man carrying a package with a stick.
Backpacks resemble a duffel bag. They are cylindrical in shape and may have a cross-shoulder strap in addition to the standard handles. While the size varies, backpacks can be large enough to fit full-size styling tools or multiple large laptops.
Some bags can only be described as having crossover or shoulder straps. Its appearance is varied and adapts to that of a typical bag. In fact, some bags look more like a backpack than a satchel. Cross straps go across the body and between the breasts, while shoulder straps slung over one shoulder.
When a prestigious fashion designer creates a line of products, that line is considered designer and generally sells for much more than the average product in similar lines. The same is true for handbags, and all types of handbags are available from designer labels. These bags can be very expensive and are often made from real leather, fur, or other natural but limited resources.