Buying books in bulk from wholesalers offers discounts of 30-70% off the cover price, making it affordable for businesses and organizations with tight budgets. Wholesale outlets sell to businesses with reseller licenses and non-profits with tax-exempt status. Wholesale books are usually in good condition and shipped in large cardboard containers. Categories include mass-market paperbacks, hardcover books, children’s books, and audiovisual materials. Shipping costs are the biggest expense when buying in bulk.
Buying books in bulk in bulk is an affordable solution for booksellers, educators, churches, libraries and charities. When buying in bulk, companies can purchase large orders of books at 30-70% off the cover price. These steep discounts are especially useful for religious and educational organizations operating on tight budgets. Books typically available from wholesalers include textbooks, children’s books, trade paperbacks, and religious texts, as well as audio and video educational materials. Wholesale outlets typically sell only to businesses with government-issued reseller licenses and non-profit organizations with proof of tax-exempt status.
Most wholesale books are in good condition, sometimes like new or in excellent condition. These excess stocks are being removed from store shelves to make way for new inventory. Eventually the books are sold for a fraction of the original price through wholesalers. Books are shipped directly to buyers in large cardboard containers known as “gaylords”. The types of wholesale books available at any given time may vary depending on the wholesale supplier’s current inventory.
Mass-market paperbacks are a category of wholesale books. They are usually by well-known and well-known authors and can include mystery, western and romantic novels, non-fiction, and titles that have appeared on the New York Times bestseller list. Most of these stocks are those found in hotel and airport gift shops, grocery stores, and pharmacies. The books mostly contain no illustrations, just text. Wholesalers typically ship books in this category in quantities of about 800 to 1,000 gay ladies’ books.
Another category is the trade and wholesale of hardcover books. These are usually larger in size than mass market paperbacks and in fact can come in a variety of different formats. Several titles are available in hardcover. This category includes textbooks, educational books, technical manuals, computer books, self-help books, medical books, law books, autobiography, non-fiction, and fiction novels, among others. The books are often popular titles and bestsellers, and 600 to 800 gay ladies’ books are shipped.
The wholesale children’s book category consists primarily of softcover titles from well-known children’s book authors. These can range in size from small paperback books to larger books, with some titles available in hardcover. This category could also include activity books for children. Wholesalers often include puzzles and children’s toys in their orders in this category. A lord of children’s books contains around 1,000 items.
Many book wholesalers also sell VHS tapes, audio CDs and DVDs at heavily discounted prices. Items in this category are most often a type of handbag assortment. An order might contain a variety of items, from children’s movies to popular Hollywood titles, instructional videos and exercise tapes. Most are in good condition and playable. With the containers priced at around $50 to $80 US Dollars (USD), each individual item ends up costing mere cents. A gaylord of this category usually holds around 1,000 CDs, DVDs, and videotapes.
When buying books in bulk, the largest part of the buyer’s cost is the shipping costs. Because the large, sturdy gaylord boxes can measure up to 48 by 40 by 36 inches (122 by 102 by 92 cm), they are quite heavy when full. Often, the cost of shipping will be significantly higher than the cost of the books. To help reduce shipping costs, most wholesale book warehouses have distribution houses located in a nearby city.