Untreated yeast infections can spread to other parts of the body, weaken the immune system, and be passed on during sex. Recurring infections can result from a previous untreated infection. Yeast infections can affect the mouth and skin, and antifungal medication is usually prescribed to treat them.
An untreated yeast infection has the potential to become much more serious and spread to other parts of the body, such as inside the mouth and in patches on the skin, depending on where it originated. It can also weaken the immune system, which could make the person with the infection more susceptible to other diseases. Yeast infections can potentially be passed on to partners during sexual intercourse. Sexually active people with untreated yeast infections can increase their chances of spreading the infection to someone else. It may be possible for an untreated yeast infection to clear up on its own without treatment, but it will most likely get much worse before it gets better.
Even if an untreated yeast infection goes away without treatment, there is a chance it will come back. A recurring yeast problem is often the result of a previous untreated yeast infection that has never completely gone away, although the symptoms may have gone away. There may still be small amounts of yeast present and the infection could spread again as soon as conditions are right. Yeast infections often start whenever the body’s pH levels get thrown off course. Some things that can affect pH are antibiotic use, pregnancy, and obesity.
Yeast infections in the mouth are also known as thrush and most often affect children and the elderly. These infections are often described as white patches inside the mouth, and the lesions are typically painful when touched. Trying to clean or scrub them could cause them to bleed. Doctors often prescribe a topical ointment called nystatin to treat thrush in babies. This medicine is also usually effective on adults with thrush, but it may need to be used in conjunction with an antifungal pill to completely clear the infection.
A yeast infection on the skin can be a problem for anyone, particularly if the person wears damp clothing on any part of their body for too long. Babies are often susceptible to yeast infections on the skin due to the use of diapers. When babies go long periods of time without changing their diapers, their delicate skin is exposed to extreme moisture and a rash can develop. Many parents mistakenly believe the redness is from an underlying diaper rash until they realize their rash cream is ineffective against it. A visit to the doctor often confirms that the rash is yeast, and antifungal medications are usually prescribed to treat it.