Vanilla sugar is a combination of granulated sugar and vanilla that can be purchased or made at home. To make it, mix vanilla seeds with granulated sugar and let it rest for at least a week. It can be used in place of granulated sugar in any recipe and is popular in European desserts.
Vanilla sugar is a favorite cabinet component for those with a sweet tooth. A combination of granulated sugar and vanilla, it can add a decadent sweetness to breakfast foods, desserts and other delicate dishes. Vanilla sugar can be purchased from gourmet food vendors or made with a simple recipe at home.
For a small amount of vanilla sugar, simply cut a single vanilla bean open, scraping up its seeds. Store the seeds in an airtight container, then bury them with two cups (380 grams) of granulated sugar. Leave the dough to rest for at least a week in a cool, dark place; can be soaked for a longer period of time if desired. Two vanilla beans can be used to produce a stronger flavor. Wrapping the jar in aluminum foil or sitting it for up to three weeks will produce a bolder taste, too.
Once ready, sugar can be used in place of granulated sugar in almost any recipe. Some recipes for sugary granules call for vanilla extract. While suitable in some recipes, vanilla extract should not be used to flavor sugar used for a condiment. This will produce an inferior and unpleasant taste. If necessary, larger batches can be created using accurate comparative reports.
The use of vanilla sugar is limited only by imagination. A popular flavoring agent for coffee, sweetly scented sugar makes an excellent topping cookie for fresh baked goods. Some vanilla aficionados like to add the confection to their hot cocoa, while others mix it into their morning oatmeal. Shortbread cookies, popovers, ice cream, French toast, pies, ripe fruit, pastries, scones, puddings, and sweet breads can all be topped with food ingredients.
While not available in most American supermarkets, vanilla sugar is readily available in Europe. It can be purchased at many specialty food stores. Dessert supply stores are likely to carry the grainy treat. People who live in remote locations may be able to purchase the ingredient from online gourmet stores at a moderate to expensive price. Traditional vanilla sugar is typically made with Costa Rican sugar.
Also known as Vanillezucker, this crystalline sweet topping is often used in many European desserts. Some countries famous for using vanilla beans and sugar as sweeteners include Poland, Austria, Denmark, Slovenia, Sweden, Finland and Germany. If stored out of direct sunlight, in a cool, dry place, the package will typically last up to two years.