Cloth and disposable diapers have environmental drawbacks. A plastic-free diaper called a green diaper is a biodegradable alternative made of nylon, viscose rayon, and absorbent SAP crystals. It can be washed or disposed of responsibly. They can be ordered online and reduce natural resource usage.
For many new parents, the choice of diaper has traditionally been a choice between washable cloth and disposable plastic. Cloth diapers are said to be better for the environment because they can be washed and reused, while disposable plastic diapers are thought to be more convenient to use and less expensive. In reality, both cloth and disposable plastic diapers have their drawbacks when it comes to the environment. A new form of plastic-free diaper called a cloth diaper or green diaper has recently become a greener alternative to cloth or plastic diapers.
A cloth diaper is just as disposable as a traditional plastic diaper, but it doesn’t contain the kind of plastic that won’t biodegrade for 500 years. Instead, the rinseable liner of a cloth diaper is made of a nylon material coated with a polyurethane plastic. Traditional diapers typically use polyvinyl chloride or PVC in their liners. These nylon liners feature built-in poppers so they can be easily removed during changes. Solid waste can be flushed down a toilet, while wet liner can be rinsed and reused.
The outer layer of a cloth diaper is made from a renewable form of material called viscose rayon, harvested primarily from trees. This layer is naturally impermeable and will degrade in a landfill within a few months. Viscose rayon can be dyed several colors, including a distinctive green. The outer layer of a cloth diaper looks more like a cloth diaper than disposable plastic wrap.
The absorbent layer of a cloth diaper is also responsible for the environment. An extremely absorbent chemical called sodium polyacrylate or SAP is combined with a natural wood product called lint pulp to provide maximum absorbency for both types of human waste. The absorbent SAP crystals absorb urine while the fluffy pulp absorbs and contains other wastes. Both the SAP and the fluff pulp are completely biodegradable.
Although promoted as a washable diaper, a “green diaper” can also be thrown out with the regular trash after the solid waste has been disposed of. A damp but unsoiled cloth diaper can also be added to a compost pile and ultimately converted into a source of fertilizer. The inner liner and outer shell can both be flushed down a standard toilet, along with whatever materials they contain. The absorbent layer shouldn’t remain in the toilet for an extended period of time, however, because the SAP crystals will continue to absorb water and will no longer be flushable.
Locating a steady supply of cloth or eco-friendly diapers can be a challenge in some areas, but they can be ordered through certain environmental websites or directly from the manufacturer. Cloth diapers require no additional cleaning services and won’t sit untouched in landfills for hundreds of years. There may be a bit of a learning curve as parents learn how to remove liners and wash them without incident, but overall, using green diapers should definitely help reduce the amount of natural resources needed to produce, clean, and dispose of diapers. traditional.