Banking analysts track and predict global financial markets and institutions. Salaries are influenced by education, experience, company, and location. Companies pay more to valuable employees, and experience and performance can lead to salary increases. Location also affects salary, with higher living costs leading to higher salaries.
A banking analyst is a professional who specializes in tracking, analyzing and predicting the behavior of various global financial markets and institutions. Individuals working in this field are employed by companies that provide services such as financial consulting and investment management. Factors that can influence a banking analyst salary include an individual’s level of education, his years of experience as an analyst, the company he works for, and the location of a company.
Many companies that employ banking analysts tend to pay more to employees they consider most valuable to the company. Students who have a graduate degree in business can often be more attractive to employers and therefore receive offers for a higher salary from banking analysts. Professionals also believe that the reputation of an academic institution can influence a salary. A highly recommended job seeker from a reputable university can expect to earn a higher banking analyst salary than a job seeker from a second-tier school.
Experience is another important factor when it comes to a banking analyst salary. Professionals with years of experience in this field tend to earn higher salaries. Likewise, high-performing employees who demonstrate that they are valued members of an organization often find that their salaries increase periodically.
A banking analyst can occupy several different positions, each with a different salary. A second-year analyst, for example, can expect to earn more than a first-year analyst. A company director can expect to earn more than a vice president.
Some companies simply offer higher salaries than others. Factors such as budget, size and customer profiles can affect how much analysts expect to earn. While a banking analyst salary is typically considered a major point of consideration by many seeking work in this field, several career experts believe that the levels of experience offered by companies should also be taken into account, as good experience can allow you to an analyst earn more in the future.
The location of a company can also affect a bank analyst’s salary. Professionals who work in urban areas where there is a high cost of living, for example, can expect to earn more than those who work in environments where the cost of living is lower. In less developed areas with a lower cost of living, where the job market is less competitive, a banking analyst can often find it easier to move up in a company, allowing them to receive a higher salary in a relatively short period.