Cytokines are proteins produced by white blood cells that act as messengers to alert the body to certain ailments. Infections, autoimmune conditions, and other diseases can trigger cytokine production, causing symptoms such as inflammation and fever. Researchers are looking for ways to control cytokine production to develop more effective drugs to treat conditions such as HIV. Cytokines also help regulate growth hormones, and a lack of white blood cells can greatly reduce immune function.
Cytokines are proteins produced by white blood cells. They act as messengers between cells and the brain to alert the body to certain ailments that may prompt an immune response. Factors that can trigger cytokine production include diseases and conditions that the immune system will have to fight off. There can be many factors that can potentially affect cytokine production.
Infections, whether bacterial or viral, can both greatly increase cytokine production. White blood cells release cytokines into the bloodstream to alert the body so that more T cells can be made and released to fight the infection. The additional proteins in the blood are what cause the temperature spike associated with the infection.
Other types of infections, such as those caused by Candida yeast, can also cause increased cytokine production. Similarly, some cancers and other conditions can also cause a spike in the immune response within the body. This is one reason why an unresolved condition can cause troubling symptoms such as inflammation, fatigue, and fever.
Those with arthritis and other autoimmune conditions often have higher than normal levels of cytokine production because their immune systems start responding and attacking the body itself. Rather than helping the body fight off disease, this response tends to cause chronic pain and swelling in the joints where inflammation takes hold. There is no known cure for this condition, but the pain can be managed with some medications.
Researchers are looking for ways to control cytokine production in the laboratory. They are hoping that someone will be able to create cytokines that will trigger an immune response that specifically targets certain infectious diseases; mainly human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This way, they would be able to develop more effective drugs to treat the condition and possibly develop a cure.
Cytokines also help regulate certain hormones in the body, especially growth hormones in the endocrine system. They help communicate with the brain to ensure proper growth and development. Too much or too little growth can cause serious health side effects.
A lack of white blood cells can have a major impact on cytokine production. Because cells make this all-important protein, any conditions that kill or inhibit the growth or development of white blood cells can lower cytokine levels. This would result in greatly reduced immune function, leaving a person nearly defenseless against disease or infection. Some diseases can cause a reduction in white blood cells and some treatments for diseases. An example is chemotherapy, which kills both cancerous and healthy cells.