Arnold presses are a weight training exercise that targets the arms and shoulders, named after Arnold Schwarzenegger. The exercise involves lifting weights from chest height to overhead while rotating the forearms. It is recommended to have a spotter and start with lighter weights for beginners.
Arnold presses are a type of weight training exercise that works the muscles of the arms and shoulders. This exercise is a variation of an overhead press, which is a weight-training exercise performed while seated. Arnold presses are named after Arnold Schwarzenegger, a prominent bodybuilder who developed the variant on the overhead press. Two weights are required to perform this exercise, and it is recommended to have a spotter standing nearby in case the lifter loses control of the weights at any time during the movement of the exercise.
To perform Arnold presses, the lifter will begin by sitting on a stable bench with feet flat on the ground and back straight. Weights should be selected beforehand, and the lifter should choose weights that he is comfortable lifting with. Beginners should start with less weight, while more advanced lifters can use heavier weights. The starting position for Arnold presses requires the lifter to lift the weights to approximately chest height with the palms facing in toward the body. The upper arms should be dropped and the forearms should be raised.
The following movement during Arnold presses requires the lifter to raise the weights overhead while simultaneously rotating the forearms so that the palms face out. The lifter will lift the weights until the arms are fully extended but not locked; Locking elbows can cause injury and should be avoided. The lifter will hold this position briefly, then slowly return to the starting position. The movement should be repeated several times to get the best workout. After several repetitions, the lifter can rest and then return to performing Arnold presses.
The altered twisting motion ensures that various muscles in the arms, shoulders, and chest are strengthened and toned, whereas a traditional press doesn’t work as many muscles at once. This is a fairly intense lifting exercise, and the lifter will likely feel tired after performing the presses. Many lifters combine this exercise with other weight lifting exercises to create a complete training program for the chest, arms, and shoulders. Proper rest is also important to ensure the lifter doesn’t get hurt.
A beginner should start with less weight at first to improve their movement during the exercise. One wrong move can backfire, leading to injury rather than gains in muscle mass and performance. Once the beginner has improved the movement, he can add weight as desired to start building more muscle quickly.