What are Baking Apples?

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Baking apples are used for pies, strudels, cobblers, and applesauce. They are firm and full-flavored, with a sour taste. Granny Smith, Jonathan, Golden Delicious, Rome, and Cortland are good baking apples with different flavors and textures.

Baking apples, also called cooking apples, are used to make a variety of dessert items, including pies, strudels and cobblers. They can also be stewed, fried, or made into applesauce for a side dish. The external appearance of baking apples might differ in size and color, but they are typically full-flavored fruits with a firm texture that will hold their shape during the cooking process. A baking apple is usually more sour than sweet when compared to consuming apples.

Granny Smith apples are the classic baking apples. This small light green apple is very firm and has a tangy, tart flavor. These apples are primarily used as baking apples, but can be eaten fresh. They’re often served sliced ​​with a caramel dipping sauce that complements the tart flavor and crunchy texture. Granny Smiths are in season in the fall, but are usually available year round due to global production.

The Jonathan variety is a red apple that offers a balance of sweetness and acidity. It is often considered a general purpose apple that can be eaten fresh or used for cooking. Jonathan was first grown in the 1800s in the United States and has become a favorite crop due to a Jonathan apple tree’s ability to produce a large amount of fruit immediately after planting.

A golden delicious apple is pale or bright yellow in color when ripe. It is mostly eaten fresh, but can be used as a baking apple even though it loses some of its flavor in the cooking process. The Golden Delicious was crossed with the Jonathan to create the yellow and red Jonagold. This big apple offers the sweetness of a delicious golden while taming the higher acidity found in Jonathan. Many people consider the Jonagold to be one of the best baking apples available.

The Rome apple has a bright red appearance but is not a good apple to eat. Its flavor improves during the cooking process, making it an excellent choice when shopping for baking apples. Roma is one of the few apples that grows well in areas with warm winters and is often grown in countries that cannot grow other apples.

Cortland apples are a variation of the McIntosh and both are considered good baking apples. This apple family is sweet and crunchy, providing an excellent texture that is retained throughout the cooking process. The Cortland is one of the few apples that doesn’t brown quickly when cut, giving the cook plenty of prep time. These apples are typically grown in colder climates such as upstate New York, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

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