Bitmap textures are digital images used to add texture and realism to computer graphics. They can be created by scanning photos or using digital graphics programs. They are commonly used in 3D CGI to apply texture to objects and in 2D graphics to add texture to illustrations.
Bitmap textures are digital format images, usually created as bitmaps, that can be applied to an object or image to give it a texture. These types of images are often used in three-dimensional (3D) computer-generated imagery (CGI) to provide objects and models with additional detail. Bitmap textures can also be used with two-dimensional (2D) graphics to give an object in an illustration additional texture and realism. These types of texture images can be created in many different ways, including scanning photographs and art pieces, as well as creating new images using digital graphics programs.
While there are several ways in which bitmap textures can be created, they are typically used to provide texture and realism to different forms of computer graphics. One of the simplest ways textures can be created is for someone to take a photograph of a wall or other object and then use that as the basis for a texture. A photograph of a brick wall, for example, can be scanned and then edited in a photo editing program to create a texture. The term “bitmap texture” simply refers to the file format in which these images are often created or saved, which are small in size and easy to use.
One of the most common ways bitmap textures are used is in the creation of 3D CGI or computer-generated imagery. 3D computer graphics objects are made through a process called “modelling,” in which lines and geometric shapes are used to create a “wireframe” of an object. A wireframe is essentially what an object would look like if made with chicken wire, made up of interconnecting lines. Each of these lines is then filled with geometry, or simple shapes, between them to create a “skin” over the model.
Different texture maps, including bitmap textures, can then be applied on this skin to make objects look more realistic. A flat plane, for example, can be created in a 3D CGI program and then covered with a skin to give it a surface. Bitmap textures can then be used to apply images to this skin to make it look like a brick wall. Additional layers of textures are often added to increase the realism of this simple wall, adding dirt and providing different indentations and textures through bump mapping.
Bitmap textures can also be used in creating 2D computer graphics, such as digital illustrations. An artist can scan a piece of wallpaper or use a photograph of an orange to create textures that can be used within 2D artwork. This allows artists to more quickly and easily add different types of images and textures to an illustration.