What are Brown Peppercorns? (28 characters)

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Brown peppercorns, also known as Sichuan or Szechuan peppercorns, are the dried flowers of prickly ash and are native to Asia. They are a popular ingredient in Chinese cooking and can be found in Asian markets. Despite being called “peppercorns,” they come from a different plant genus and have a slightly different flavor profile. The black seed inside the peppercorns is inedible, and the pods have a spicy, slightly lemony flavor that can make the mouth numb. Brown peppercorns were briefly banned in the US due to concerns about a disease they carried, but the ban was lifted when pasteurization was shown to kill the bacteria.

Brown peppercorns are the flowers of prickly ash, dried and used as a seasoning. They are also known as Sichuan or Szechuan peppercorns, or sometimes just Chinese pepper. As the alternate names of brown peppercorns imply, they are native to Asia and have been used extensively in Chinese cooking for centuries.

Brown peppercorns can sometimes be difficult to obtain, but they are a useful addition to the spice cabinet, especially for cooks who enjoy Chinese cooking. Asian markets are an excellent source for whole and ground brown peppercorns, along with an assortment of other cheap and useful Asian ingredients.

Prickly ash is a bush in the genus Zanthoxylum, which means it’s not a true pepper, as true peppercorns come from plants in the genus Piper. However, brown peppercorns look like real peppercorns and have a similar flavor profile, so the confusion can be forgiven. Zanthoxyl is found throughout Asia, producing small pods that split open to reveal an internal black seed. The dried pods are sold both whole and ground in many parts of Asia.

The black seed inside the brown peppercorns is inedible and is usually discarded. The pods themselves have a spicy flavor, which is less bitter and acrid than real pepper. They also have a little lemony flavor and tend to make the mouth slightly numb. As some alternative names suggest, brown peppercorns are very popular in Szechuan cooking. They can be used whole in pickling mixes and rubs, or ground for inclusion in sauces and marinades.

As with most spices, brown peppercorns taste best when stored in a cool, dry place and ground as needed. While cooks can buy brown peppercorns that are already ground, the flavor will diminish over time, so unless the powder is used up quickly, whole peppercorns are a better choice. Both whole peppercorns and powder can be dry-roasted in a pan to bring out the flavor.

In the United States, brown peppercorns were briefly banned due to concerns about a disease they carried. Known as “citrus,” it potentially posed a serious threat to the American citrus crop. The US lifted the ban when pasteurization demonstrably killed the bacteria. However, this temporary ban has led to widespread consumer confusion, who believe that brown peppercorns have been banned because they are dangerous. This is not, in fact, the case; brown peppercorns are perfectly safe to consume.

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