Cellophane bags are thin, clear bags made from cellulose that can be used for gift wrapping or packaging food products. They come in different styles, including flat and square, and can be biodegradable. They are available in various colors and prints.
Cellophane bags, also known as cello bags, are thin, clear bags made from cellulose. These bags are commonly used as gift bags only or can be used to wrap gift baskets. The top of the bag is usually gathered and tied with a ribbon. Cookies and sweets are commonly placed in the bags, but almost any gift can be given in a cellophane bag.
Some manufacturers use cello bags for packaging food products. Biscuits are the most common item packaged in cello bags. Candies, such as peanut butter cups and crackers are also packaged in the bags.
There are different styles of cellophane bags. Flat bags work well for holding cookies or other flat items. The top can usually be folded back and may be self-sealing. The square cellophane bags have a sturdy bottom that will stand on its own. Items can rest in the bottom of the bag and the top can be gathered and tied with a ribbon.
Gift baskets are commonly wrapped in large cellophane bags. The cellophane bag acts as a barrier and protects objects such as fruit or other edible delicacies from the outside air. The gift basket is placed directly into the bag and the top is gathered and tied.
Heavy duty cellophane bags are thicker than regular cello bags. They usually have gussets running up the sides which allow the bags to expand when filled with items. Heavy duty bags are better at providing oxygen barrier and moisture barrier to protect food products.
Standard cello bags usually have dowels as well. The gussets work to allow the bag to expand. This is especially useful when the bags are being used as candy bags. Several pieces of candy can fill the bag and it will expand smoothly.
For the environmentally conscious people, some cello cases are made from biodegradable material. These bags are compostable and made with cellulose from sustainably managed forests. Biodegradable cellophane bags have almost no impact on the environment.
Although clear cellophane bags are popular, there are many colors and styles of cello bags, but all bags are at least partially transparent. Cellophane bags can come in almost any color. Colored bags might overshadow the products that are inside them a bit. Cello bags are also available in a variety of prints for any occasion.