Coffee bags come in various types, from cloth sacks used by farmers to store coffee beans to bags designed for instant coffee. They can be customized with logos and messages and are used for packaging, storage, and dispensing coffee.
Coffee bags are bags that are used to store or produce coffee and related products. There are several types of coffee bags, ranging from cloth bags used by coffee farmers to bags designed for making a cup of instant coffee. Manufacturers of such bags tend to focus on a specific area of interest, such as bags used to package coffee for sale, bags used by home roasters, or bags used in bulk coffee dispensers in stores.
The largest type of coffee bag is a large cloth sack used to store coffee beans. Farmers distribute their crops in these bags for transportation purposes and the bags can be used to transport the beans to various stages of curing and roasting. Most are extremely heavy. The bag is usually printed with information stating where it came from, what kind of beans are inside, what grade the contents have been assigned, and so on. Some people collect purses as curiosities, since they can be colorful or have interesting decorations.
In stores, many coffee products come packaged in bags. These are usually vacuum bags to keep the coffee fresh and can be made or lined with foil. For people who buy grains in bulk, craft paper envelopes with foil labels are often available. People can dispense beans into the bag and may choose to put the beans through a grinder, with the ground coffee falling into the bag. These coffee bags can be printed with logos and other identifying information about the coffee producer or the shop it comes from.
Coffee bags and pouches can often be ordered with custom information and designs. Some people like to give coffee as a gift and may order the bags with family or company name, holiday greetings, or other types of messages. Personalized coffee bags can also be included in gift baskets and other promotional handouts so people are reminded of the giver every time they brew a cup of coffee from the bag.
Some instant coffee makers make coffee bags that are inspired by tea bags. Consumers who want to make a cup of instant coffee can drop one of these bags into a cup and pour boiling water over it. Such bags can also be designed to fit modular coffee and espresso systems, with water being forced through the bag to dispense the coffee.