Driving impairments, including alcohol and drug use, obstructed vision, and distracted driving, can lead to unsafe driving and are often illegal. Penalties for impaired driving vary by jurisdiction and can include jail time. Motorists must comply with laws and restrictions in their area before operating a vehicle.
Driving impairments are any condition or action that prevents a driver from operating a vehicle in a safe and reasonable manner. They include such things as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, obstructed viewpoints, and various conditions related to distracted driving. In general, there are laws against actions and conditions that could lead to impaired driving conditions. As a requirement of being licensed to drive, motorists must know and agree to comply with the laws in their area before operating a motor vehicle.
One of the most common causes of driving problems is alcohol use. When alcohol is used, reaction times, balance and vision can be inhibited, leading to problems while driving. While everyone can react to alcohol a little differently, most jurisdictions place a limit on the amount of alcohol that can be in someone’s blood while driving a motor vehicle. In general, the blood alcohol percentage cannot be more than .08 to 1 in most jurisdictions, which is expressed in some countries as 80 to 100 milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood.
Drugs, both legal and illegal, can have effects similar to alcohol and therefore people taking some medications should refrain from driving. While often overlooked, certain medications are considered by many jurisdictions to be serious driving impairments. It could be just as illegal to drive with those in a person’s system as alcohol would be. Often drugs that impair driving often list it as a side effect on the warning label.
Obstructed vision is another common driving problem, which is also illegal in most jurisdictions. This can apply to having a frosted windshield that is only clear in a small section. It could also be something inside the vehicle with the driver that may be obstructing their view, such as a cargo piece blocking a window. If this is against the law in an area, it may be up to a law enforcement officer to determine if the situation presents a sufficient risk that the operator cannot safely operate the vehicle.
Driving problems can also be other types of distractions, such as cell phone use, eating, or grooming. In general, the laws vary regarding these types of activities by drivers. If the activity is suspected to be causing an accident, the distracted driver will usually be the one accused of being at fault in the accident.
Criminal penalties for impaired driving largely depend on the situation and jurisdiction. Many places may impose a mandatory minimum jail stay for those convicted of even a first offense DUI. Penalties may also increase based on the number of offenses and whether the offense resulted in an accident with injury or death.