Electrical properties vary between solids, liquids, and gases. Solids like metals are good conductors, while insulators like glass and plastics protect from electrical charges. Saltwater is a good conductor, while potable and distilled water are insulators. Gases like oxygen and nitrogen are non-conductive, but can become conductive under certain conditions.
Electrical properties are the physical conditions that allow an electric charge to move from one atom to another in a specific material. These properties differ markedly between the three main types of materials: solids, liquids and gases. The electrical properties of solid materials such as metal are high, while electrical charges do not move easily in water and have even more difficulty with gases. In every element there are exceptions: some solids are bad conductors and some gases can become excellent conductors.
Solids and electricity are often a perfect match for conductivity. The electrical properties of copper, steel and other metals provide the optimal opportunity due to the physical proximity of the atoms. When electrons can pass easily between atoms, this promotes electrical conductivity. Solids like silver, copper and aluminum are popular with electrical work because very little energy is lost when electricity passes through these metals.
Not all solids, however, possess the strong electrical properties of metal. Objects such as glass, wood, and plastics are considered insulators because tightly packed electrons don’t share electric charges easily. When an electric current is introduced into these materials, nothing happens. These solids are still valued in electrical work, but often to protect humans from electrical charges.
The electrical properties found in liquids vary according to the material. Salt water, for example, has properties that allow for excellent conductivity of electricity because the ions in the salt promote a free flow of electricity. Even though electricity can pass through ordinary water, potable and distilled waters are considered insulating due to poor circulation of electricity. Other liquids, such as oil, gasoline, and kerosene, contain even better insulating properties because electricity has a harder time getting through.
The electrical properties of gases fluctuate especially between the three basic materials. In a normal state, gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen are so poor conductors of electricity that they are considered non-conductive. If these gases are exposed to different elements, however, the properties change rapidly. For example, when barometric pressure decreases, as with an electrical storm, the gases become a better conductor of electricity. The pressure creates a thicker atmosphere and allows electricity, often in the form of lightning, to move more freely.