Factory seconds are products that don’t meet the manufacturer’s quality control standards, often sold at discount stores due to minor cosmetic flaws or overproduction. Clothing, furniture, and mattresses are common options. Care should be taken to assess flaws, and warranties may not be offered.
Factory seconds refer to products that have not met a final quality control standard by the manufacturer. Everything from clothing to furniture to flooring can be marked as factory second and often sold in outlets or other discount stores at significantly lower prices. This is often for nothing more than a minor cosmetic flaw, not any kind of structural flaw. Sometimes even a simple overproduction of an item can lead to overstocking of goods and the manufacturer will also sell this overstock at a significantly reduced price, even if these items have no defects. Shopping for seconds can be a great way to save money, though care should be taken to assess any flaws.
Various types of clothing are some of the most common options for factory seconds. A misplaced or slightly uneven stitch, for example, may make it impossible for the manufacturer to sell the clothing at a department store at full price, and they’ll ship it to a discount store. Often, these flaws aren’t even apparent to the person buying it, for a fraction of what it would cost at the original price. These items are brand new and have not been used, unlike those found at thrift stores.
Even the furniture, from sofas and tables to mattresses, is often sold as factory seconds. Mattresses are another option. The furniture may have as little as a small dent or scratch, but is structurally sound. Generally companies do not sell items with structural defects even as factory seconds; they are only aesthetic issues that will allow a product to be sold in this way. In rare cases, electronic items can also be sold as seconds, but these are harder to find because they are initially much more expensive to produce.
There are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for factory seconds. It is important to expect every item you purchase and to ensure that the defects are small, not very noticeable and do not affect the function of the item. Warranties are also important to keep in mind; Typically, factory seconds aren’t offered with any sort of warranty, so while it may be less expensive to purchase the item upfront, it may be more expensive in the end if it breaks early or later and is determined to be unacceptable. Otherwise, shopping at factory outlets and discount stores that sell seconds can be a great way to find good deals and save big bucks on otherwise expensive purchases.