Companies use test markets to gauge consumer preferences before a full product release. Global test markets help companies test products in international locations and ensure proper language translation for advertising campaigns. They also help companies understand how governing bodies may react to the product.
Marketing and advertising is all about getting consumers to buy a company’s goods or services whether or not the consumer needs them. In order to test the viability of a product or service, a company may wish to use small test markets before conducting a major product release. Global test marketplaces include international locations where a company wants to test a product away from its domestic location. The use of global test markets ensures that international consumers are aware of the product and are comfortable with any language translation for advertising campaigns. Not all companies use international test markets for their products and services if they don’t intend to sell in other countries.
Manufacturing a product or selling services to consumers can be a daunting process. The time spent developing, planning, researching and deploying alone can be very tedious and difficult. Once the concept is in place and the product is ready for sale, the business needs to decide how to start selling it to consumers. A test market typically makes use of several large cities or regions where a company will be selling products before a full rollout. Companies can sell in these smaller markets first and find out about consumer preferences and which items might need modification before the products are fully sold in a large market.
Global test markets work much like national test markets. A company that can have a product for international consumers needs information on how these people will react to it in terms of quality and usage. A big purpose for these test markets is to ensure the correct use of foreign languages to describe the product. Many historical cases are found in marketing where a manufacturer – say an American company – attempted to sell a product in a foreign country with disastrous results. Improper use of language or other terms can distract potential international consumers from the real product and its value in today’s environment.
Another benefit of global test markets is the ability for a company to find out how or what reaction a governing body may have on the product. For example, national governments may not be too pushy about a company’s products or how they are marketed to consumers. Global testing markets, however, can produce completely different results. Here, the company may find that some of the methods in which they sell products will not be allowed. This may require a completely different way for a company to market and sell goods on the international market.