Intestinal spasms can cause bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea. Causes include irritable bowel syndrome, food allergies, and Crohn’s disease. Treatment options include medication, lifestyle changes, and alternative therapies such as acupuncture and meditation.
Intestinal spasms are uncontrolled contractions in the muscles of the small and large intestines. Patients with these spasms, a condition which can also be described as spastic colon, may suffer from bloating, abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea. A common cause is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), but food allergies, food poisoning, and conditions like intestinal pseudo-obstruction can also produce muscle problems in the digestive system.
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Spasms are a general symptom of a bowel problem, which can be mild and go away on their own or be a long-lasting problem associated with an underlying medical condition. In a healthy person, the muscles lining the intestines contract and expand efficiently to pass food through. Localized irritation from an illness or allergy can cause abnormal muscle spasms, creating pain and cramping. Problems with the signal pathway from the brain that tells the muscles when to contract can also lead to spasms. This can occur with intestinal pseudo-obstruction disease, in which the intestine acts as if there is a blockage and stops moving normally.
Irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome is most commonly associated with the specific condition of intestinal spasms. IBS has many causes, including abnormal functioning of the digestive muscles and a limited ability to move or stretch the intestines. Intestinal infections can cause cramps to develop after the initial illness has passed. Foods such as vegetables, fruits and dairy products can trigger spasms. Beverages, such as carbonated and caffeinated drinks, can also be IBS triggers.
Patients with IBS may experience worsening bowel spasms if they also suffer from depression, stress or anxiety, as these emotional states can affect bowel movement. Stress management and a healthy diet can help improve digestion. People under the age of 35, women, and individuals with a family history of the condition have a higher risk of developing IBS.
Crohn’s disease
A common cause of intestinal spasms, Crohn’s disease causes chronic inflammation of the intestines or other parts of the digestive system. In people who have this autoimmune disease, the intestinal walls become thick and can make it difficult for the body to absorb nutrients. Symptoms of this disease include cramps, diarrhea, constipation and muscle spasms. There is no cure for Crohn’s disease, but eating small meals and taking certain types of anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, anti-diarrheal, or laxative medications can help.
Food allergies and intolerances
Some people have intestinal spasms due to the food they eat. People who are lactose intolerant, for example, often experience gas, bloating and other digestive symptoms when they eat foods that contain milk or other dairy products. Gluten allergies and intolerances are another common cause; those who have celiac disease, for example, are prone to diarrhea and abdominal pain when they consume products that contain wheat or some other grains. Often the only solution is to avoid foods that contain these ingredients.
Many different bacterial, viral, and parasitic diseases can cause intestinal spasms. People who get viral gastroenteritis, often caused by Norwalk virus or rotavirus, often experience cramping and diarrhea along with nausea, vomiting, and fever. Foodborne microbes, such as E. coli, Salmonella, and Giardia duodenalis, can also cause intestinal upset. To prevent such illnesses, people should always wash their hands thoroughly, ensure that food is thoroughly cooked, and avoid dining in places where food may not have been prepared safely.
Some patients who experience intestinal spasms that last for only a day or two may not seek medical attention, choosing to treat the symptoms themselves. If a patient is referred to a healthcare professional, however, a doctor will commonly look for changes in stool consistency and ask the patient how often they have bowel movements and how urgent they are. The patient may also be tested using a colonoscopy, a blood test, or a computed tomography (CT) imaging test. If lactose intolerance is suspected, a breath test may be conducted.
Anticholinergic drugs can relieve intestinal tract spasms, but they can contribute to constipation. A doctor may recommend a fiber supplement, such as psyllium, and plenty of fluids to control constipation. Diarrhea can be relieved with over-the-counter antidiarrheal medications, such as loperamide. Prescription drugs that can help reduce spasms and improve bowel movement include alosetron and lubiprostone. For mild cases caused by food poisoning or allergies, treatment may simply be to avoid problematic foods or allergies.
Lifestyle changes can improve many forms of IBS and reduce intestinal cramping. Patients can be instructed to eat regular meals to promote bowel regularity. Medical advice often includes drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, and limiting alcoholic beverages, caffeine, and carbonated drinks. Regular exercise can also promote normal muscle contractions, relieve stress, and improve mood disorders that accompany irritable bowel syndrome.
Patients with intestinal cramps who prefer alternative treatments may find that peppermint relaxes the muscles in the intestines. Many people find that acupuncture provides relief from stomach cramps, a finding supported by the Mayo Clinic. Meditation, massage and yoga are other options that can help relieve stress, improve bowel regularity and reduce intestinal pain.