What are high-power plyos?

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High power plyometrics use functional exercises to develop explosive power and speed necessary for sports. It evolved from jump training used by Eastern European athletes and trains muscles to work together for efficiency and nervous system function. Safety concerns include age, surface, and proper form.

High power plyometrics are exercises designed to maximize the force of a muscle contraction in the shortest possible time. Plyometric exercises are an essential part of the training program for virtually all sports because they develop the explosive power and speed necessary to excel in sporting maneuvers. The workouts use functional exercises that mimic movements used in sports to develop vertical jumping and the ability to change direction quickly.

The use of high power plyometrics evolved from the jump training used by elite Eastern European athletes in the early 20th century. Athletes have embraced high-power plyometric training because it increases the vertical jump and develops muscle function needed during sports in ways that cardiovascular training or strength training with weights cannot. Muscles trained using plyometrics are not necessarily stronger, but they do produce more force in a shorter amount of time, making them more powerful.

Athletes using high power plyometrics train the muscles to work together to improve efficiency and nervous system function. During a plyometric exercise, the muscle lengthens or performs an eccentric contraction. As it lengthens, the muscle stores elastic energy like a stretched rubber band. The muscle rests briefly during the amortization phase and then rapidly shortens in a concentric contraction, thus releasing stored energy in a fast, explosive, and powerful movement. The accumulation of elastic energy allows the muscle to exert greater force in a shorter period of time than it could with brute force alone.

The speed of the loading phase produces powerful movements during the eccentric contraction. A faster loading phase results in a more powerful concentric contraction. To add even more explosive force to the movement, athletes use the stretch reflex, or myostatic reflex, which is a resistance response of the muscle to stretching. This reflex is designed to protect the muscle from possible overexertion injury.

Participants in high power plyometric training should generally already be at a high level of fitness before incorporating plyometrics into a training program. Other safety concerns to consider before beginning a plyometrics training program are the age of an athlete, having a forgiving surface to practice on, and knowledge of proper form and exercise techniques. The safest way to practice plyometrics is under the supervision of a trained coach or trainer. Due to the explosive nature of plyometric training movements, muscles and tendons can be subjected to high forces, increasing the chance of injury if the exercises are not performed safely.

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