Hypercoagulable states increase the risk of abnormal blood clotting, which can lead to dangerous medical conditions. They can be inherited or acquired through drugs, medical conditions, or situations. Diagnosis involves medical history and tests, and treatment may involve anticoagulant medications.
Hypercoagulable states is a term that refers to states in which the blood is more likely to clot or clot. While blood normally clots to stop bleeding and begin the healing process, abnormal blood clotting can block arteries and veins. This can lead to dangerous medical conditions such as deep vein thrombosis or stroke. There are several states of hypercoagulability and they can be inherited or acquired. This means that the affected individual is either born with the disorder or develops it later in their life.
Hereditary hypercoagulable states could be caused by a variety of things. The most common inherited cause of the condition is a protein called factor V Leiden. Usually, this protein helps blood clot under normal circumstances, but due to a genetic mutation, the protein does not break down as well as it should and therefore increases an individual’s risk of forming abnormal blood clots. Other causes of inherited hypercoagulable states include mutation of the prothrombin gene and deficiencies of proteins that prevent blood clots from forming. Examples of these proteins include antithrombin III, protein C and protein S.
Acquired hypercoagulable states are usually caused by drugs or medical conditions; some situations may even play a role. Medications that could lead to the condition include birth control pills and estrogen, as well as female hormones due to hormone replacement therapy. Some examples of medical conditions include antiphospholipid syndrome, cancer, and recent surgery. Also, situations that could cause hypercoagulable states include dehydration and lying or sitting in one place for too long, such as during bed rest or when in a car or on an airplane.
To diagnose hypercoagulable states, a doctor will first need to know an individual’s medical history. Abnormal blood clots, frequent miscarriages, and strokes at a young age are signs that an individual may have the condition. If the doctor suspects that the individual does indeed have the condition, he or she may order tests to confirm the diagnosis. Tests include the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) test, the prothrombin time (PT) test, and the thrombin time test. There are several other tests a doctor might also order, including ones that measure antiphospholipid antibodies or protein activity.
In general, a doctor might recommend anticoagulant medications to treat hypercoagulable states. Anticoagulant drugs work by thinning the blood to prevent blood clots from forming. Heparin and warfarin are just two types of blood thinners that your doctor might prescribe.