Linux commands are instructions given on the command line to perform tasks such as managing users, controlling network interfaces, and creating, deleting, modifying, and copying files. They are a language used to communicate with software and hardware. Mistakes can lead to errors or data loss, and commands must be spelled correctly and in the correct case. Learning basic Linux commands is important for efficient system administration. Root users have full control over the system and must be careful when issuing commands.
Linux commands are instructions that are issued on the command line when working with a Linux operating system known as a distribution, “distro” or “flavor”. Commands can be thought of as orders given to the operating system or to a software program running on the system to make it do something or to force it to stop doing something, such as running a process. It can be said that Linux commands are a kind of language through which a person can communicate with software and even control hardware.
Letters, numbers, and symbols are used in different combinations to form Linux commands that can perform tasks such as changing run levels or creating, deleting, modifying, and copying files and directories. Linux commands are used to create and manage users on a multiuser system, add and manage local and network printers, control network interfaces, set the date and time, and restart or shut down a system. Working on the Linux command line does not involve the use of a mouse, as is usually the case when working within a graphical user interface (GUI). Usually you only see two colors – the background color and the text color – and there’s no room for errors, which can be devastating to a system if the user is running as root operator.
Unlike accidentally clicking an icon in most cases, making a mistake when issuing Linux commands can lead to error messages or unwanted surprises. Error messages can occur when an error is made that the system does not understand. While an accidental click on an icon will still open the program, if everything works correctly, an error in the Linux command syntax may not be understood. For example, the “cd” command, which allows the operator to change directories, will not be understood if it is misspelled as “cf”. The “rm -f” command, which is used to force delete or remove a file, if typed by mistake, can result in data loss.
Many commands are the same or similar to Unix commands, because all Linux distributions are Unix-based systems. For example, the “ls” command lists all files in the current directory and “pwd” prints the working directory on a Linux and Unix system. Commands not only have to be spelled correctly, they have to be in the correct case, because Linux is a case-sensitive system. There are many commands that must be used to manage a system completely without using a GUI. Not only must commands be learned, they must be learned the arguments that can and sometimes must be passed to them, as well as knowing how to request a help menu from within the system.
The reason it is important to work with Linux commands even when deploying with an advanced Windows system is because some administrative tasks cannot be performed efficiently or at all except on the command line. Basic Linux commands can be learned from tutorials freely available on the Internet and from books on the subject. These orders actually command the system, so it’s very important for users to check what orders are being issued before hitting enter. A root user has full control over the system. Issuing commands that are not fully understood or used improperly can destroy the integrity of an entire system.