Lucite bracelets, made from a break-resistant thermoplastic material, were popular in the 1950s and 1960s and are still sought after by collectors today. They can be crystal clear or embedded with colors, gems, or charms, and can be made from pure lucite or a combination of materials. Classic designs feature chunky geometric patterns and may be encrusted with small stones or trinkets.
Since the first plastics were created in the early 20th century, some jewelry designers have used these materials in place of traditional metals or gems. During the 1950s and 1960s, lucite bracelets were one of the hottest jewelry trends. Although these hard plastic bracelets can be made from many compounds, they are often referred to as lucite bracelets, after a popular brand name version of this material. These acrylic bracelets can be crystal clear or embedded with colors or even small gems or charms. Today, collectors seek out lucite bracelets for their classic, vintage appeal.
Throughout history, man has relied on natural materials such as metal, bone, and ceramic to produce bracelets and other types of jewelry. After a hard plastic known as Bakelite was introduced in the early 20th century, Chanel began to introduce high-end fashion jewelry made from this clear plastic. In 1931, the DuPont company patented lucite, which is very similar to modern Plexiglas. Lucite was widely used during World War II to make windows for airplanes and other military vehicles. After the war, manufacturers began producing lucite bracelets and other acrylic jewelry.
Lucite is a thermoplastic material made from methyl methacrylate. It’s a break-resistant alternative to glass, and looks perfectly crystal-clear if left colorless. When used to make bracelets and jewelry, this material helps to reflect light like glass or diamonds. It is also relatively cheap and lightweight, making it comfortable and affordable for the general public.
Designers can create these bracelets using either pure lucite or a combination of lucite and some other material. For example, chunky chunky lucite bracelets were a fashion staple during the 1950s and 1960s, while modern jewelers may simply add lucite beads or charms to a traditional metal bracelet. Bracelets can be cast from a single component, or combined with other lucite or metal pieces to form a clasp.
The iconic lucite bracelet features a chunky geometric pattern and is fashioned from a single piece of material designed to slip over the wrist. Similar varieties featured integral colors, patterns, or designs to give them a livelier appearance. Classic lucite bracelets may also be encrusted with small stones or trinkets, including glitter, seashells, and flowers. Some of these bracelets were carved into pattern shapes, or formed in a special mold to create the desired texture.