Microwave integrated circuits (MICs) are microchips that operate specifically on microwave frequencies and are used in small electronic devices such as cell phones, GPS devices, and imaging devices. They have evolved from simple single-function circuits to complex, multifunctional circuits of increasingly smaller sizes and complex capabilities. There are two types of MICs: hybrid microwave integrated circuits (HMICs) and monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs). MMICs are often used in satellite systems and are considered an advance over the original, larger, heavier MIC.
Microwave integrated circuits, or MICs, are a type of semiconductor microchip designed to operate specifically on microwave frequencies, often at 1 gigahertz (GHz) or higher. The specific ability to transmit over microwaves is usually what differentiates MICs from other types of integrated circuits. MICs are widely used in small electronic devices that operate via electronic and electromagnetic frequencies, such as cell phones, GPS devices, remote control systems, and imaging devices. Their small size allows them to be used in multiple wireless handheld devices, and the nature of the MIC is such that a chip can function as a standalone device, using only a single semiconductor wafer.
MICs were first designed in the 1940s and evolved from the basic microwave circuit as demand and technologies of the time allowed for advancements in wafer-based circuit fabrication. Since then, microwave integrated circuits have matured from simple single-function circuits to complex, multifunctional circuits of increasingly smaller sizes and complex capabilities. They form the root of the microwave and semiconductor manufacturing industries, and many types of microphones can be cheaply and efficiently mass-produced for use in consumer electronics, science, and industry.
Specialized types of MICs have various benefits and applications, which are often determined by their method of manufacture. Hybrid microwave integrated circuits (HMICs) are made by placing discrete components on a printed circuit board, called a substrate. The individual components can be capacitors, resistors, transistors or other chips. Together, they form the entire MIC. The materials used in the manufacture and soldering of components can affect the frequency, electrical properties and overall performance of the circuit.
Monolithic microwave integrated circuits, also known as MMICs, require a more complex design, where the entire circuit is designed as a single chip and all components are fabricated on the semiconductor substrate. MMICs are often used in satellite systems that require small, inexpensive circuitry that still offers high speed and performance. These circuits operate in bands anywhere from 300 megahertz (MHz) to 300 GHz and are capable of multiple power and frequency manipulation functions.
Many users believe that MMICs offer significant advantages over hybrid circuits due to design differences and performance capabilities. The modern microwave integrated circuit concept generally refers to the MMIC, which is considered an advance over the original, larger, heavier MIC, despite the MMIC’s limitations, which may include functional inflexibility after initial fabrication. For more robust, scalable, and flexible circuit designs, many integrate multiple multi-purpose MMICs and specialize in larger, more complex microwave ICs.