Morsbags.com promotes making reusable bags from old fabrics to reduce the environmental impact of plastic bags. The website provides instructions for making the bags and suggests using strong, washable materials. Grocery stores offer discounts for customers who bring their own bags, and some cities have banned plastic bags. Using reusable bags can save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the harm caused to animals by discarded plastic bags.
Morsbags are an environmentally friendly alternative to using paper or plastic shopping bags from the store. Concerned about the environmental impact of the number of plastic bags used every day around the world, a website in the UK, morsbags.com, has started what they are calling a sociable guerrilla movement. They suggest that making bags out of old fabrics for personal use or distribution is a great way to reduce your debt to the environment, and that a couple of morsbags eliminate the use of around 150-200 plastic bags a year.
On the morsbags website, you can find detailed instructions on how to make one. The site suggests using any old strong material available for the purpose. Curtains, sheets, and a variety of other fabric sources are all fair game when you’re looking at them for morsbag use. You should choose a cloth that is strong and durable enough, so that it can hold heavy food items, and that it is washable, since you don’t want to use your bags to pack meat one day and then fruit or vegetables the next.
Grocery stores in many countries now offer a small discount to customers who bring their own bags. Some have even gotten into the morsbags trend by selling their own washable bags, usually for just a couple of US dollars (USD). In many cities, concern about the use of plastic bags is so strong that their use has been banned.
People may be equally concerned about using paper bags, because even though they’re recyclable, it can result in more trees being cut down to make them. It makes sense, given the current climate, to make or buy morsbags, since your city or state may decide very soon that plastic bags should be banned. Additionally, cloth bags have the distinct advantage over paper that they won’t tear or tear when you pack them with heavy items, as long as you use a strong cloth.
Discounts to customers from grocery stores aren’t huge, but they can add up over time. If you use 100 plastic bags a year, using your own bags could get you about $5 USD back. Some people use a lot more shopping bags than this and could earn enough to go to a movie or a game. The savings may not be huge, but that’s not counting the possible savings for the environment. The production of the plastic is shown in some greenhouse gas emissions, which people are now more interested than ever in reducing to slow global warming. Also, even when plastic is recyclable, it’s still not biodegradable, and people may not always recycle their bags.
Non-recycled garbage bags pose a threat to the environment and especially to the animal kingdom. Birds can get trapped in them or be wrapped in plastic around their necks. Again, given the concern about the disappearance of animal species on our planet, morsbags may just be a way to make a small contribution to animals, as it will mean fewer plastic bags being discarded.