Omega-6 fatty acids are commonly consumed through foods such as meat, grains, and polyunsaturated oils, but excessive intake can lead to health problems such as heart disease and depression. A 4:1 ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 is recommended for optimal health. Omega-3 is associated with better health outcomes.
Omega-6 fatty acids are common fats that most people consume on a regular basis. These include fatty acids such as linoleic acid and arachidonic acid. Such acids get their name from the chemical composition, which includes a carbon double bond six carbons away from the omega or the last carbon in a chain. The name indicates where the double bonds occur in the fatty acid chain.
These types of fatty acids are derived from food sources such as eggs, meat, whole grains, cereals, polyunsaturated oils from vegetables and nuts, and most baked goods. Very often, Western diets do not require Omega-6 supplements because they tend to contain more than enough. These acids are called essential, because they are important for brain growth. Some studies have shown that low levels can make children more prone to ADD/ADHD.
However, often, we tend to consume a lot of meat and grains. In fact, most medical researchers claim that Western diets, particularly American, British and Israeli diets, are too high in Omega-6. Consuming too high of this fatty acid has been linked to the development of heart disease, asthma, certain forms of cancer, arthritis, and depression. Although some Omega-6 is necessary since it contains essential acids, too much is definitely a problem.
Studies of Omega-3 fatty acids have shown that they may promote heart health, although those taking fish oil with arrhythmias should consult with their physicians. This type is also considered useful in the treatment of arthritis and can help lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. They may also help with mood balance in people with mood disorders such as depression or bipolar. Studies of Omega-6 fatty acids, which are typically consumed more regularly in most diets, suggest that they can actually lower good and bad cholesterol levels.
Omega-6 has also been linked to keeping people down. A 2005 study published in the Journal of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology suggests that people may remain depressed when their diet contains a large amount of this fatty acid. His conclusion, although carried out in a population of rats, recommended reducing their intake and increasing that of Omega-3.
Many Westerners eat approximately a 10:1 ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3, or in some cases as much as 30:1. Studies suggest that greater health could be achieved if a 4:1 ratio were applied. In fact, With people suffering from chronic conditions like asthma or arthritis, Omega-3 supplementation and cutting back on foods like bread and meat can help improve these conditions.
Therefore, Omega-6 fatty acids are essential, but often overused in the Western diet. The results can lead to worse health. Not to be confused with Omega-3, which tends to be associated with better health.