Online simulation games replicate real-life experiences and can be played over the internet or other network connections. They can be single-player or multiplayer, with three main ways of playing: leaderboard, content sharing, and experience sharing. Leaderboard games compare players’ performance, content sharing allows users to modify and share aspects of the game, and experience sharing allows players to interact with each other in real-time. These categories are not exhaustive, as online simulation games can also be accessed via long-distance connections or mobile devices.
Online simulation games are computer games and video games that attempt to replicate a real-life or possible aspect of real life. They differ from traditional simulation games in that they look like they are played over the Internet or via some other type of network connection. The term online simulation game usually means that the game has elements that can be shared by several players, but it should also be noted that an online simulation game can technically be a single player game that is accessed via the Internet or other connection to long distance . There are three main ways simulation games are played online: leaderboard, content sharing, and experience sharing.
Online simulation games with leaderboards allow players to see how well they did in a game compared to other players. The game itself is played in single player, but some aspects from the time the game was played are put online and compared to that of others. The aspects compared can be anything that can be tested empirically, and could include how quickly a mission is completed, how large a city has been built, or how many home runs have been hit against a virtual pitcher. Some online simulation games that have leaderboard aspects also have anti-cheat aspects that require a portion of the game to be played while connected to the internet.
Content sharing online simulation games allow users to share modified or self-created aspects of a game over the Internet or another network. The shared aspect depends on the game and will be different for each one. A game might allow users to create and share game levels; another might allow them to share music or items. Content sharing online simulation games are often popular with the gaming community because they allow fans to expand the game beyond its initial release status.
Experience-sharing online simulation games allow players to interact with each other in the game world. These actions are delayed or simultaneous. Delayed experience sharing is usually turn-based: players take turns and there are consequences for the game universe afterwards. Email games and most online management games, such as fantasy sports leagues and stock portfolio simulation games, are two examples of this. Simultaneous experience sharing means players experience each other’s actions in real time.
This style of play is usually player versus player or cooperative. In player versus player gameplay, players try to outdo their opponents in achieving a goal. Goals include getting the highest score or reaching a goal first. In cooperative play, players work together to achieve a goal. The cooperative aspects can be anything from two players building cities trading with each other to players flying fighter planes in formation.
These three categories are the primary ways simulation games are played online; they are not, however, the only ways. As mentioned earlier, online simulation games can technically be single-player games that are accessed over the Internet or other long-distance connection. BBS games that are simulations are one example, but so are Internet-based content delivery services that allow users to play single-player games. Web browser-based simulation games are also examples of this, as are online games for mobile phones that focus on simulation.