Pallet boxes are containers with the same footprint as a pallet, used for transportation and storage. They can be made of plastic, metal or wood and come in standardized sizes. They are also stackable, collapsible, and have various uses around the home and garden.
Pallet boxes are containers made with a footprint the size of a pallet, so they’re easy to transport and organize on a large scale. A number of companies manufacture pallet boxes to different specifications and using different materials, for purposes ranging from transporting products to stabilizing small boxes for transportation. As well as being used for transport and storage, pallet bins also have a few uses around the home and garden. People looking for pallet containers can check with shipping companies and shipping providers to explore their options.
A basic shipping pallet is a flat platform that has been designed with standardized dimensions so that it is easy to handle and load. Pallets are specifically designed to be fitted to forklifts and other equipment that can be used for moving and lifting and are used to ship items around the world. Sometimes, however, a flat platform isn’t suitable for a shipping application, in which case a pallet container can be used.
Pallet containers start with a flat platform like a regular shipping pallet, adding walls and sometimes a lid as well. The bin platform includes the same design as a regular pallet so the pallet bin can be easily lifted with moving equipment and the bin is also designed to be stackable with other bins. The pallet can be made of plastic, metal or wood and can be solid to protect the contents or perforated so that the contents can be easily seen. Pallet containers also usually have a space to put a shipping label with a description of the contents, and some may be RFID-enabled so they can be tracked more easily.
Standardized sizes are available, along with stackable walls that can be locked together to create a pallet container of any depth. Many pallet boxes are also collapsible, so they can be stored flat when not in use to take up less space. Collapsible containers are also easier to reuse, which reduces waste and operational costs.
In addition to being used for transportation, pallet baskets are also useful for storage. Warehouses can store items in pallet boxes to provide containment and easy access, and can also be used for home and workshop storage. One creative use of the pallet box is in the garden where pallet boxes can be ideal for composting as they provide containment and aeration at the same time. Gardeners can sometimes get used bins intended for destruction or disposal for free.