Phytosterols are plant compounds similar to cholesterol that can block cholesterol absorption, reducing bad cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular problems. They are found in oils, nuts, and wheat germ and are used in fortified products and skin care. Their effects on the human body are not fully understood.
Phytosterols are compounds found in many plants. They are a type of sterol, a specific class of chemical compounds, and are very similar to cholesterol, the type of sterol found in humans. In plants, phytosterols contribute to cell membrane structure, just as cholesterol does in animals. These compounds have a number of interesting effects on animal bodies when ingested, which has sparked a great deal of interest in phytosterols and their potential applications.
While it may seem counterintuitive to ingest sterols to lower cholesterol, since cholesterol is only one type of sterol, phytosterols appear to actively block the absorption of cholesterol, which can lead to a reduction in bad cholesterol levels. This, in turn, can reduce the buildup of cholesterol in the body, reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems. Plant sterols confer these benefits while animal sterols such as those found in meat and animal products do not, illustrating the structural differences between these two groups of sterols.
Some studies have suggested that some phytosterols can interfere with animal cell membranes and can also alter the levels of some hormones. More than 40 phytosterols have been identified by researchers and many more are awaiting identification. The function of the known compounds in the human body is not fully understood and there are some competing claims made for phytosterols, with some people suggesting they are very beneficial while others recommending that they be avoided.
Foods rich in phytosterols include oils, nuts and wheat germ. Many of these foods are recommended as part of a healthy diet that can lower bad cholesterol levels. It is also possible to find products that have been fortified with plant sterols, with such products often containing health claims that are sometimes the subject of controversy in the medical community. These compounds are also used in products such as skin care cream, with the aim of improving skin health.
People who eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly should get all the nutrition they need and keep their body in a balanced state. People who eat unbalanced diets that are too high or too low in various nutrients can experience health problems. Consuming more phytosterols alone is unlikely to provide health benefits, although consuming phytosterol-rich foods may be beneficial because such foods contain a broad spectrum of nutritionally beneficial compounds.