Prosthetics is the practice of cosmetic dentistry, including replacing teeth, teeth whitening, and corrective surgery. Prosthetists are dental professionals who restore both aesthetics and function. Fixed dentures are permanent, while removable dentures are less expensive but less natural-looking. Prosthodontists also work in cosmetic dentistry to reshape or whiten natural teeth.
Prosthetics is the science and practice of cosmetic dentistry. This industry focuses on replacing teeth such as dentures or dental crowns, as well as perfecting the art of teeth whitening and corrective surgery. The prosthesis is divided into fixed and mobile categories, depending on the permanence of the corrective device. Dental professionals also study the effect of oral cancer, traumatic injuries, birth defects affecting the teeth and develop technologies to help with common problems such as snoring and teeth grinding.
A prosthetist is a medical professional who has completed two to three years of additional study in the discipline after graduating from dental school. These doctors are considered “architects of smiles”, as they work to restore both the aesthetics of beautiful teeth and the correct functioning. They can work in private practice building and placing prostheses or work in research laboratories developing new technologies and techniques for dentists.
Fixed dentures are tooth-like devices that are permanently implanted inside the mouth. A crown is a single replacement tooth that is usually placed over the stump of a missing tooth. A dental bridge is a larger section of false teeth attached with bone grafts or other methods. Fixed prosthetics are often expensive; however, they result in long-lasting false teeth. Patients with these implants generally take care of their new teeth with the same techniques as their natural teeth.
Dentures and partials fall into the category of removable dentures. These appliances can be taken out of the mouth for cleaning or comfort, but they don’t look or feel as natural as fixed replacement teeth. Patients may experience sores or discomfort as they learn to speak and chew with removable false teeth. These are less expensive than permanent replacements and can be adjusted for comfort.
The goal of dentures is to make dentures as attractive and natural looking as possible. Most doctors try to match the appliances to your existing teeth. Patients who have lost all of their teeth or have birth defects that prevent them from growing teeth pose additional problems. In these cases, prosthodontists have to make the entire model of teeth including size and shape. With some patients, they also have to work on rebuilding their jaw and gums to get the desired effect.
The prosthetics industry also includes cosmetic dentistry. Patients may have healthy, functional teeth, but be dissatisfied with the appearance of their smiles. In these cases, they may seek prosthodontists to reshape their natural teeth or whiten them in more appealing shades. Prosthodontists are considered experts in designing and engineering perfect smiles.