Simple partial seizures are caused by abnormal electrical activity in a specific part of the brain and can lead to changes in behavior. They can be caused by brain injury, genetics, or health ailments and are diagnosed through an EEG. Treatment usually involves antiepileptic drugs.
Simple partial seizures are abnormalities in the brain caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Seizures, sometimes called seizures, can change behavior patterns in a number of ways. If an individual has repeated episodes of spontaneous seizures, he may have epilepsy. In this type of case, the individual may be classified as having epilepsy with simple partial seizures. The symptoms of a person with this type of seizure can change each time they have the disorder.
Unlike many types of seizures, simple partial seizures affect only a specific part of the brain. For this reason, these seizure types generally belong to the epilepsy category known as focal or partial epilepsy. The condition is so named because the seizure originates from a focused part of the brain. In many cases, a simple partial seizure is the only type of seizure a person can experience. However, sometimes the condition can progress to generalized seizures, in which the entire surface of the brain is affected.
There can be several factors that lead to simple partial seizures. Sometimes a brain injury caused by an accident or a stroke can lead to the problem. Genetics may also be a factor, as some types of epilepsy seem to run in families, affecting several members. Seizures can also be caused by several health ailments. Commonly, individuals with dementia, brain tumors, hypoglycemia, infections, and several types of organ failure may also have these brain disorders.
Simple partial seizures are unique because they do not knock an individual out, and most people remain fully alert during the seizure. However, the person may still experience various simple symptoms of partial seizures. Frequently, an individual may experience stiffening, jerking, or twitching in the face, leg, arm, hand, or foot. He or she may also experience different muscle contractions. The person’s head may also start moving uncontrollably.
Often, individuals with these types of seizures will hallucinate and see, smell, and hear things that aren’t there. Many people may have visual disturbances and see flashes or patches of light or darkness. After the seizure has passed, behavioral changes may occur. The person may be confused, angry, or crying.
Doctors may order an electroencephalogram (EEG) to diagnose these seizures. This is a type of test that records the activity of the brain’s electrical signals. Sometimes, doctors record patients undergoing this type of test on video over the course of a night in case a seizure occurs. This can be done for a visual inspection of what happens to the person during a seizure. In most cases, simple treatment for partial seizures usually includes an antiepileptic drug.