What are Sybarites?

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Sybaris was an ancient Greek city known for its wealth and hedonistic lifestyle. Its exact location is unknown, but it is believed to have been near modern-day Sybaris, Italy. The city was destroyed in 510 BC by an opposing democratic party led by Telys. The Sybarites’ downfall is compared to the stories of Sodom and Gomorrah. The term “sybarite” is used today to refer to those who live in luxury. The downfall of modern-day sybarites, such as celebrities, is often met with satisfaction or curiosity.

The Sybarites were people who lived in the Greek city of Sybaris, a city possibly existing on the western shore of modern Italy. No one is exactly sure where the city once existed, but it is often said to be near Sybaris, Italy. This ancient city was known for its exceptional wealth; perhaps as early as 700 BC, this wealth led many to a hedonistic, pleasure-seeking lifestyle. Modern sybarites are people who have the ultimate in luxury and spend most of their time pursuing or enjoying these luxuries. Many can aspire, but few can become a modern Sybarite.

Historically, little is known about Sybaris until its destruction in about 510 BC. There was much written about the wealth of the Sybarites, who appeared to have a very large group of citizens and upper-class members of their society. The Sybarites were slave owners, wore fine, fine clothing, and appear to have made their own money. The city may also have controlled 25 other cities, increasing its ability to acquire material goods and additional wealth.

The fall of Sybaris came in 510 BC, when the head of an opposing democratic party, led by a man named Telys, overthrew the government of the city. Telys then set himself up as ruler of Sybaris, and the dispossessed citizens, who were so numerous, determined not only to defeat Telys, but also to destroy Sybaris in the process. To bring about the overthrow of Telys, the citizens diverted the Crathis, a large river, which flooded the city and essentially ruined many of its structures, forcing the people to evacuate. The ruins were so extensive that all people left Sibari.

The destruction of Sybaris and the end of the Sybarites is compared to the stories of Sodom and Gomorrah, and to many myths of Greek origin in which arrogance or the attempt to live like or imitate the Gods is met with appalling punishment. Accounts of the Sybarites written long after their fall tend to focus on their arrogance, expensive lifestyles, and corrupt ways, all of which contributed to their demise. The story of Sybaris evokes ideas of Icarus flying too high and spreading his beautiful wings in the sun, or the old adage that pride precedes a fall.

Accounts of the Sybarites’ wealth and lifestyle have led to the term being used in the present day to refer to those who live in the utmost luxury. The adjective sybaritic can also be applied to such people. Sometimes specific areas with a high concentration of wealth are seen as sybaritic, or a group of people, such as some of the world’s most recognizable celebrities, are described by this adjective.

Perhaps that’s why some take satisfaction in the downfall of celebrities whose lives seem to be centered around luxury and the pursuit of pleasure, and why celebrity shows spend so much time on stars who clearly have issues in their personal lives. “Little people,” or most normal people, seem satisfied and/or downright curious when today’s sybarites (Britney Spears and others like her) take turns for the worse. This may reflect public discontent or a deeper desire to see hedonism destroyed, a common theme in most religions.

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